Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top 10 Weight Loss Foods That Are Backed By Science

Allow me to fill you in on a little something called “I’m either losing weight and I’m hungry, or I’m not hungry and I’m not losing weight.” Ever heard or thought something similar before? I have. That was before I heard of these top 10 weight loss foods that are backed by science.

Hunger plays a major role in many people’s lives (myself included). Therefore, food also plays a major role in many people’s lives (myself definitely included). I love food, so when I first started my fitness journey, losing weight wasn’t all that easy—especially losing weight in the way I wanted and in the areas of my body I wanted.

I researched which foods I should and shouldn’t eat so often that when I was eating only what people were saying to eat online, I was incredibly confused as to why I wasn’t losing weight at all. Then, I discovered these top 10 weight loss foods that are backed by science. My whole world shifted, and it shifted for the better.

I realized that although people whom I thought were health professionals online were not providing accurate information. I found out that the foods that they were encouraging others to eat were not scientifically proven to be weight loss inducing foods, and were, therefore, not weight loss inducing. The following foods are. Once I started including the foods listed below into my diet, I saw a dramatic change in not only my body, but my mind as well. These top 10 weight loss foods helped me to lose weight AND satisfy my hunger.

1. Oatmeal

It’s scientifically proven, according to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, that because oatmeal is full of fiber and protein, it helps make you feel full longer. Because of this long-lasting satiation, you’re less likely to over-eat throughout the day.

I know when I eat oatmeal, especially when I cook it with protein powder, I feel incredibly satisfied for hours. It provides me with the energy I need and holds me off until lunch time. In fact, some days when I eat oatmeal, I’m not even hungry enough during lunch time to eat my entire lunch. Always listen to your body–when it tells you it’s no longer hungry, stop feeding it!

2. Salmon

Studies show that eating omega-3 fatty acids on a daily basis while also regularly exercising promotes weight loss more than just exercising alone does. You might be wondering why this is relevant.

Well, here’s why: salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids! In fact, salmon is one of the types of fish containing the most omega-3’s. These fatty acids can help you lose weight in another way as well. Like oatmeal, omega-3 fatty acids make you feel full longer. There’s nothing better than not feeling hungry when you’re trying to stick to a specific diet plan. It pushes that urge to continue eating after you’ve already finished your meal right out the door and, in turn, leaves you feeling proud and healthy.

I know I feel that way after eating our simple Oven-Grilled Salmon recipe. I sauté some veggies to throw alongside the salmon for dinner, and I never even have the desire to eat dessert.

3. Blueberries

Choosing blueberries over other snacks (more unhealthy, calorie-dense ones), could help you lose weight. It’s a scientific fact that blueberries are incredibly low in calories–so low that you can eat an entire cup of them and still have consumed less calories than a serving of chips (even those healthy chips you bought thinking they’d help you lose weight). One cup of blueberries contains only 80 calories, while chips, regardless of the ingredients, usually contain around 130 calories per serving.

I know that when I choose blueberries over other snacks like potato chips, I feel much lighter and energized afterward. They satisfy me like potato chips do while also giving me a lot less calories than potato chips do.

4. Broccoli

These small green trees that you used to hate when you were younger are loaded with fiber, but not many calories. For those reasons, broccoli is the perfect weight loss food. The amount of fiber in broccoli fills that hungry tummy of yours longer than the average food. Broccoli is also high in nutrients besides fiber. Such nutrients include vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, potassium, and calcium.

According to an article in The Journal of Nutrition, vitamin C and weight reduction go hand-in-hand. The article states that people who consume more vitamin C, weigh less than those who do not consume enough vitamin C. I’m sure that these tiny, vitamin-C filled green trees that your younger self hated are starting to look pretty appetizing now.

Since broccoli is rich in vitamin C and so low in calories, replacing unhealthy foods with it will not only cut down on your caloric intake, but it will also help you to get the vitamins and minerals you need on that lower calorie diet. In other words, incorporating broccoli into your diet can help you to ensure that you are losing weight the healthiest way possible!

Don’t like plain broccoli? Instead of loading the vegetable up with butter, try out our 3-Ingredient Crispy Garlic Broccoli recipe.

5. Kale

Like broccoli, kale is high in vitamin C. The cruciferous vegetable can actually provide you with 71% of your daily vitamin C. Since it is so high in the essential vitamin, it reaps the same weight loss benefits that broccoli does and is an efficient food to eat when trying to increase your metabolism.

However, the leafy green is also incredibly high in calcium. A study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine explains that calcium can play a key role in weight loss. It helps your body effectively break down and absorb fat. The journal also makes the connection between obesity and calcium-deficit. Calcium is specifically important for women who are going through, or have gone through, menopause. Researchers state that getting enough calcium may help such women to maintain their weight although menopause is usually a time in which weight gain occurs.

According to researchers, people who are on a low-calorie, high-calcium diet lose more weight than those who are on a low-calorie, low-calcium diet. A single serving of kale provides you with about 10% of your recommended daily calcium intake.

Ensure that you’re not low on calcium by incorporating kale into your everyday meals. You won’t regret it!

The post Top 10 Weight Loss Foods That Are Backed By Science appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/top-10-weight-loss-foods-that-are-backed-by-science/

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