Thursday, January 18, 2018

5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge

5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge

Battling lower belly bulge is a tricky feat, even for fitness and health enthusiasts. The pesky fat builds up around the abdominal wall, covers the midsection, and connects to your pelvis. Women everywhere have hunted for effective tummy-flattening solutions for ages.

These 5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge target key abdominal muscles to maximize belly-burn and yield real results. By performing these moves 3 times a week, you’ll be on the road to bulge free abs.

Note: It is recommended that you follow a clean eating plan as part of your overall fitness and health goals.

Equipment Needed: yoga mat, interval timer (Gymboss is a free app download)

What to Do: Complete each exercise for 30 seconds with 15 seconds rest between each move. Perform this workout three times a week on non-consecutive days to burn lower belly bulge.

Beginner Level: 2 rounds
Intermediate Level: 3 rounds
Advanced Level: 4 rounds


1. 4-Time Abs
2. Flutter Kicks
3. Reverse Crunches
4. Leg Lower into a Pop Up
5. Seated Leg Curl

Instructional Videos:

4 Time Abs

Flutter Kicks

Reverse Crunches

Leg Lower into a Pop Up

Seated Leg Curl

Burn belly fat with this workout, then use these tips to keep your bulge gone:
8 Ways To Achieve A Flat Belly
5 Flat Belly Drinks
50 Flat Belly Foods Shopping List

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The post 5 Moves to Lose Lower Belly Bulge appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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