Saturday, January 13, 2018

21 Stress and Weight Loss Tips to Win Against Stress and Weight Loss

Two words: stress eating. We’ve all done it. You come home after a rough week at work. You’re prepping for a big presentation. You’re juggling a thousand different projects. In all of these scenarios, you’re probably reaching for the wrong foods, or too much of it. These stress and weight loss tips can help.

We see women do it in movies and tv shows all the time, which doesn’t help. We grow up thinking that it’s normal to “eat your feelings.” Spoiler alert: it’s not. And it’s not a great way to have a relationship with eating.

Weight loss is hard, both physically and emotionally. It’s exhausting to have to constantly struggle to eat clean and exercise regularly.

Make it a little easier on yourself with these 21 tips to win against weight-gain triggers. Certain habits can trigger weight gain by leading to overeating or by slowing down your metabolism, but those habits can be changed. We’ll show you what some of those habits are (and how to break them) so you can gain control of your weight loss and your healthier lifestyle.

1. Know your personal triggers. 

Before you can beat your weight-gain triggers, you have to figure out what your personal triggers are. Do you turn to junk food when you’re bored? Stressed? Tired? Some triggers are universal, but knowing which ones are strongest for you will help you figure out which ones to focus on avoiding.

2. Set achievable goals. 

If you’re not a runner, don’t plan to run a marathon next month. Start with a 5K, and work your way up in small, realistic steps. If you set unrealistic goals, you’ll get frustrated and give up when you don’t achieve them. If you set small, reachable goals for yourself, you’ll see progress. You’ll get excited about the changes you’re seeing in your body and in your life, which will inspire you to make even more changes.

3. Get enough sleep. 

Ample sleep is crucial for weight loss. When you’re sleep deprived, your metabolism slows down and your body wants to hold onto fat. Try these 5 Small Changes for Better Sleep if you have trouble getting a good night’s rest.

4. Have a hearty breakfast. 

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. It jump-starts your metabolism. Breakfast eaters also consume fewer calories during the day than people who avoid breakfast. Get your day off to a great start with the 5 Best Breakfast Foods to Jumpstart Your Metabolism.

5. Don’t cut too many calories. 

You might not be seeing weight-loss results because you’re not eating ENOUGH! Weird, right? When your body doesn’t get enough calories, it wants to hold on to the calories it does have, so your metabolism slows down.

The post 21 Stress and Weight Loss Tips to Win Against Stress and Weight Loss appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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