Wednesday, January 17, 2018

8 Healthy Evening Snacks for Weight Loss

When I think of store-bought snacks, my mind goes straight to Doritos, Cheetos, crackers, and cookies, but my conscience knows these are not healthy evening snacks for weight loss.

Luckily, there are so many healthier snack options now than when most of us were young. A quick browse through Trader Joe’s reveals tons of low-fat, low-calorie, yet indulgent healthy snacks made with mostly whole ingredients.

The trick? Knowing what to get, so you don’t reach for the old favorites instead.

Of course, it would be great if we had time to prep all our snacks with completely whole ingredients. But unfortunately, this isn’t the case for me, and I’m sure it’s not the case for most of us either. We often snack on-the-go, grabbing whatever is convenient. After all, it’s hard to meal prep when we’re juggling work, school, errands, and kids.

Nevertheless, a busy lifestyle doesn’t mean we can’t all snack healthy.

We’ve looked at dozens of products available online and found these 8 top healthy snacks for weight loss. If you’re looking for convenient, ready-to-eat snacks that won’t wreck your weight loss efforts, check out these 8 tasty options.

1. Peeled Snacks Peas Please

I would have never predicted that my green pea-hating self would actually enjoy these delightful snacks. Crunchy and salty, these veggie snacks are actually closer in flavor to chips than green peas. They boast a clean ingredient list, as well as 4 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein to keep you feeling full for longer. Commenters called these addictive, and gave them a positive rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

2. White Bean and Herb Hummus

I could eat hummus and veggies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Luckily, I can just snack on it instead. You know this snack is made with real ingredients because you can see them! With a small serving of flatbread or veggies, this recipe gives you a little bit of everything.

3. Blue Diamond Almonds 100 Calorie Packs

Another perfect alternative to chips when that crunchy & salty craving hits. Good thing nuts are great for you! But since they’re so high in calories, they’re easy to overeat. This single serving packs take away the danger of overeating. One bag has 100 calories worth of whole almonds, the perfect amount to tide you over until your next meal.

4. Bare Natural Apple Chips

No added sugars, fat free, and with a single ingredient on the list: apples! This snack is as natural as it gets. Crunchy and sweet, these apples make great snacks for weight loss. It’s often easier to snack on than a whole apple, and just as delicious and filling.

5. Laughing Cow Cheese Dippers

This one reminds me of my favorite sticks and cheese snack pack from when I was a kid. Luckily, this is way healthier. We recommend these snacks for anyone trying a low carb diet. A serving is 100 calories with 4g of protein and 6g of fat. Additionally, these boast no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.

6. Smartfood Delight Sea Salt Popcorn

Popcorn is a surprisingly healthy snack, and these air popped bags are lower in fat than traditional oil popped popcorn. Rather than being flavored with melted butter like in movie theaters, these have just a touch of sea salt. Enjoy them at just 35 calories per cup.

7. Hillshire Snacking Small Plates

These packed snacks are a little higher in calories (around 250-300 per pack), but they’re great for anyone looking for a low-carb option. A single snack pack boasts 16 grams of protein! You can check out their other combinations online. We recommend their Rustic Harvest flavor.

8. Quest Bars

Protein bars are the quintessential grab-and-go snack. Nevertheless, they’re often packed with sugar and calories. We love Quest bars because they’re high in fiber, low in net carbs, and pack 20+ grams of protein. I like to keep these on hand in my desk drawer so I can stay full during the work day.

The post 8 Healthy Evening Snacks for Weight Loss appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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