Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tips for Building an Affordable Home Gym

Making the decision to get in shape and lose weight is one that could have a positive impact on your health. A 2017 report notes that the obesity epidemic in America is only becoming worse and that the number of obese adults in the country is at an all-time high. While weight loss through exercise can be helpful, joining a gym can be tough on your wallet. However, you can save money by building a home gym with some careful planning and forethought.

List Your Goals

Before you start buying equipment for your new home gym, it may help you to realize your exercise and weight loss goals first. Otherwise, you may waste money on equipment you never use. While there are many different machines and accessories available to you, listing your goals can help narrow your choices and learn which might be the most helpful.

One effective way to understand what you want out of a home gym is to sit down and write out your goals. For example, are you more focused on losing weight than building muscle? How much time per day will you have to devote to your workout? How much weight do you want to lose in the next six months? Having a detailed vision of your exercise goals can help you find equipment that might best help you reach them.

Build a Budget

Creating a home gym budget before you shop for equipment can help you avoid overspending. When you first start out, you may be very enthused about your plans and want to fill your home gym with barbells, yoga mats, and other items. However, being realistic about what you can afford may help you spend more conservatively. Be realistic about your goals and your finances and consider long-term objectives to curb impulse buys.

You can bolster your exercise budget by taking advantage of free weight loss and fitness apps on your phone. These apps have a variety of uses, from helping you count calories to keeping a food journal to managing your daily workout.

Create Your Own Space

When you create a home gym, spending cash on a space that is comfortable and effective for your exercise and weight loss goals should be a priority. Your new space does not have to be fancy and you do not need to invest hundreds of dollars on redesigning a room. Instead, spend money on the essentials, such as cardio equipment, a few warm-up mats, and shelving to hold water bottles or a docker for your music.

If you have limited space, opt for slim or lightweight machines that take up less room and forego accessories that might create clutter or limit your range of motion during warm-up exercises. This can also reduce the risk of costly injuries, such as muscle strains and sprains.

Read Reviews Before You Buy

Strength training machines and multi-use cardio trainers can be tempting because of their claims and the variety of exercises you can perform with them. However, reviewing equipment before you buy can help you save time and money, two precious resources for anyone trying to lose weight. The more you know about a cardio machine before you buy, the better the chance you will use it every day.

While multi-use machines can be helpful for weight loss, it is important that you peruse the details about their functions and limitations. For example, not all machines are adjustable to a person’s height or proportions, and this may make it difficult for them to use in some cases. When reviewing functions, ask yourself how many of them you would use on a daily basis so you get the most for your money.

Think Simple

Your home gym does not have to rival the cardio room at the local fitness center, and if your goal is to save money, thinking simple is key. Home gym equipment can be as basic as resistance bands that can be attached to a door or a table and a stability ball to help tighten your core. When you include simple items in your home gym collection, the more affordable it can be to build it over time. Then, as you become dedicated to your routine, you might consider adding larger or more complicated equipment.

Building a home gym does not have to destroy your finances. When you plan carefully, consider your goals and requirements, and review exercise equipment before buying, you can reach your weight loss milestones without wasting money and time.

The post Tips for Building an Affordable Home Gym appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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