Saturday, January 6, 2018

How to Lose 6 Pounds of Belly Fat in 30 Days

Are you rockin’ some extra cushion around your mid-section? Are you tired of sifting through your closet for clothes that’ll properly hide that muffin top? You’re not alone. What if you could learn how to lose belly fat in 30 days? The answer could be closer than you think.

The excess fat around your tummy, also referred to as “visceral fat,” accumulates as your waistline expands. During this process, fat cells swell up and infiltrate towards your middle, thus lending you the dreaded beer gut.

But good news: “lending” is the crucial keyword here. Your eating habits and exercise levels might invite visceral fat, but not to pitch a tent and stay for good! With the right tips and tricks, you can target that belly bulge and shrink fat cells, and wave goodbye to that muffin top for good. You see, abdominal fat responds to certain physical activities and diet changes and ultimately metabolizes at a faster rate.

Although 6 pounds doesn’t sound like a lot, losing even a few pounds can make the world of a difference when it comes to looking and feeling your best. And with weight loss, slow and steady really does win the race.

Shedding upwards of 6 pounds in a month’s time can actually backfire, as overshooting your weight loss goals can damage your metabolism and prevent your body from burning fat effectively. You might lose 10, even 20 pounds with crash dieting and severe deprivation; however, these unhealthy eating habits aren’t substantial for the long-term, and will likely have you piling on the pounds afterwards.

Countless products have hit the market claiming to get you a flat stomach overnight; and unfortunately, these commercialized items boast false promises. Real results take determination, effort, and consistency, but if you stick to your regimen, you’ll flaunt the figure of your dreams in no time.

These sustainable tips and tricks wont leave you feeling starved and energy-deprived. In fact, regularly practicing these healthy habits will likely boost your mood, energy, and progress.

Here at SkinnyMs., we’ve rounded up 10 ways that’ll banish 6 pounds of belly fat in 30 days. Follow these guidelines to permanently flatten your belly, and we promise you’ll notice a huge difference in just one month. Let’s get started!


1. Snack smarter.

When hunger strikes in between meals, its intensity can oftentimes invite some pretty impulsive and unhealthy snack solutions.

Instead of letting your grumbling tummy get the best of you, keep some of these 25 Clean Weight Loss Snacks you can Make Ahead of Time on hand to satisfy your  munchies without compromising your waistline!

2. Stock your fridge.

With a fridge stocked with nothing but clean-eating foods, you don’t have to think twice about choosing something healthy to reach for, since everything’s healthy! With nothing but nutritious foods at your fingertips, you can smooth-sail your way through a healthy eating lifestyle.

Take this 50 Flat Belly Shopping List with you next time you hit the grocery store, and use this Clean Eating Menu Planner as a guide throughout the week!

3. Replace all non-water beverages with water.

Slash a boatload of calories by choosing good ole’ H20 over anything else. And yes, even those diet drinks that boast zero-calorie nutritional profiles have got to go! These products are loaded with artificial sugars, which can have a negative impact on your weight and health.

The post How to Lose 6 Pounds of Belly Fat in 30 Days appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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