Sunday, January 28, 2018

Best At-Home Workouts That Will Make You Freeze Your Gym Membership

No gym, no problem. These top at home workouts prove that you don’t need a gym to achieve your dream body! As long as you have the motivation, you can do anything you set your mind to.

Sure, a gym membership can be convenient, but you don’t need one to get in shape. In fact, there are several reasons why you might choose to freeze your gym membership:

  • It saves you money.
  • You’ll save time by exercising at home instead of driving to the gym.
  • No need to find a sitter.
  • You won’t feel self-conscious when trying a new move.
  • You can take your workouts on vacation with you!

These top at-home workouts have everything you need, from strength training to cardio. Keeping these in your workout arsenal means you can opt out of a gym membership whenever you want! The trick to achieving your fitness goals is taking your home workouts seriously. Keep yourself motivated and hold yourself accountable. But most important, try to have fun!

Aim to complete 1-2 of these workouts per day, six days per week. And of course, give 100% during every workout! We promise you’ll be seeing results in no time.

1. 10-Minute Beginner’s Yoga Workout for Balance

You don’t need anything except a soft surface to work on. If you don’t have a yoga mat, try a beach towel or just soft carpet. This workout might be beginner friendly, but it will quickly show you that yoga is real workout. This is the kind of strength building workout that leaves your thighs sore for days afterwards.

2. 10-Minute Inner Thigh Workout

Forget the treadmill, this inner thigh workout doubles as cardio! It’s full of heart-pumping plyometric moves that are incredibly effective at targeting body fat. You’ll strengthen your thighs while burning excess weight.

3. Spell Your Name A.M. Workout

For days when you don’t want to do the same old routine, we recommend this workout. It’s an interesting concept where the workout changes depending on the name you spell out. Try your first name, your last name, your best friend’s name, even your dog’s name! (Hint: challenge your friends to spell out Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!)

4. High-Intensity Total Body HIIT

Sweat like you’ve never sweat before! This quick interval workout is meant to give you all the cardio you need in a short burst of intense exercise. It’s not for people who give up easily, because this workout will leave you beat!

5. 20-Minute Booty Blast Circuit

Our booty blast in a no-equipment, do-anywhere workout that will leave your glutes burning in just 20 minutes. It’s four rounds of squats, lunges, and donkey kicks. Don’t underestimate this workout until you’ve finished it!

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