Monday, January 1, 2018

3 Tiny Changes For Weight Loss That Helped Me Lose 30 Pounds and Keep it Off

Weight loss is a tricky subject. Every person is different, which means every goal is different. But one thing that stands out as a tried and true approach time and time again are the tiny changes that helped me lose weight and keep it off.

Ignore the urge to try out crash diets. Stop killing yourself with exercise. Big results come from understanding your body, which requires taking things slow and being steady.

Dr. Brian Wansink, consumer behavior psychologist and marketing professor at the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University agrees:

“What we’ve found over and over is that making one small change, like eating off a smaller plate, leads to a small weight loss, and then that triggers making more changes. Within a year, a person’s lost 35 pounds without ever ‘dieting.’ That’s our goal.”

And, this old Chinese proverb rings true every time, A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”.

But sometimes no matter what science or an ancient proverb says, it takes connecting to a personal story to help you open your mind and feel inspired. I can personally tell you that I know tiny changes for weight loss can have a big-time impact on watching the number on the scale drop.

I know because they helped me lose 30 pounds and keep it off for almost 10 years now.

I didn’t eat any crazy diets. And I didn’t deprive myself of food—the hundreds of recipes we’ve developed here at SkinnyMs. are evidence of that! I love a yummy meal.

So how did I shed the weight for good?

I’d like to give you three key tiny, painless changes to accompany the research out there. Because knowing and doing are two different things.

Here are three changes that helped make my weight loss journey a success story, and they can make yours a success story too!

The post 3 Tiny Changes For Weight Loss That Helped Me Lose 30 Pounds and Keep it Off appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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