Friday, January 26, 2018

7 Best Arm Workouts for Women Who Feel Self-Conscious About Their Arms

Thanks to these arm workouts for women, you can have the arms of your dreams!

Everyone has something they’re self conscious about. For some it’s their thighs, for others it’s the stomach; and for some of us, it’s our arms. Here at Skinny Ms, we always try to encourage body positivity, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work to make yourself look how you want. So which are the best arm workouts for women? What moves get you the best results? Read on to find our top upper body workouts!

These seven workouts are ideal for women who want some muscle tone—arms that are firm, but svelte. The exercises mainly target the tricep and bicep, with some attention on the shoulders, forearms, and chest.

We’ve chosen workouts that mainly focus on building muscle because it’s the most effective way to get sleek and sexy arms. Muscle raises the number of calories you burn throughout the day. Therefore, strength training will also help you lose stubborn arm fat. Think strong, yet lean arms!

We suggest doing any combination of these workouts about two to three times per week, devoting the rest of the days to cardio and lower body workouts.

1. Arms that Slay: Weight Lifting Plan for Beginners

Over the years, many women have avoided lifting heavy weights in fear of becoming too bulky. Nevertheless, recently the many benefits of weight lifting have become better known and it has grown in popularity among women. More muscle means your body burns more fat. Therefore, in order to have that strong but slim look, lifting is key! This plan is the perfect intro to lifting. It’ll ease you into it using dumbbells and basic moves.

2. 6-Minute Arm Toning Workout

This workout uses similar exercises to the Arms that Slay plan, but with a structure that some might find simpler. You’ll have six minutes worth of dumbbell exercises, including short 15-second recovery periods. Beginners can do a single 6-minute round, while more advanced lifters can work their way up to 4 rounds.

3. HIIT Arms & Shoulder Workout

HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is a training style that has recently risen in popularity due to its effectiveness in total body transformations. Interval training can give you the body you’ve always dreamed of! HIIT is great for both creating lean muscle and burning body fat in a short period of time. For anyone looking for a real transformation, this workout is a great place to start.

4. Best Arm Moves = Toned & Jiggle Free Arms

The main concept behind this workout is that you should train smarter, not harder. It uses just a few sets of the most effective upper body exercises. There’s moves to target your shoulders, biceps, triceps, and a little bit of your upper back. It’s one of our most popular upper body workouts, so you know it’s going to be fun!

The post 7 Best Arm Workouts for Women Who Feel Self-Conscious About Their Arms appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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