Friday, January 19, 2018

How to Pack Nutritious Lunches for Your Kids Every Single Day

Oh the joys of parenting. You want to give your precious kin everything they want and then some. But being a parent is a balance between lots of love, and hard love. Sometimes you have to put in a little extra work (and a whole lot of patience) to keep the family on track. That includes knowing how to pack nutritious lunches for your kids

The food a child eats can have a major influence on their dietary habits later in life. It’s incredibly important to instill good habits early on. But by the time they’re waving goodbye as they hop on the bus with their lunchbox in hand, it seems like they’ve said “no” to just about everything you try to put in front of them.

Is the end result an unbalanced meal full of processed ingredients, a high sugar content, and void of  nutritional value? Perhaps your child is one of the lucky ones that isn’t so picky, and you’re able to provide them a well-balanced lunch. But even still, you might have fallen victim to the yogurt labeled “for kids”. Unfortunately, this really means “high in sugar so they’ll eat it.”

While you may put in a little extra work to ensure they don’t have to eat a school lunch, it might not be doing you any good unless you’re doing things right. In fact, the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior reports that homemade lunches are typically higher in calories, fat, and sugar than lunches provided by schools. Yikes!

Whether you’re packing too much food, choosing those foods “meant for kids,” or skimping on the protein and overloading on empty carbohydrates, sugary beverages, and sweet treats, you might be providing unhealthy lunches for your kids.

Provide your little eater with foods rich in color. Vegetables and fruits offer a colorful palate, and when arranged correctly, can make for a lunch they’ll look forward to.

Worried they won’t like their lunch? Healthy habits at home will make for healthy habits at school, so they won’t be surprised when they open their lunchbox and find a delectable veggie wrap.

Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring, and you can show your child.

Need more tips? Check these out.

Now if you need a little lunch inspiration, we can help! Read on to discover deliciously balanced lunches that will make you feel good about what you’re feeding your growing child.

The post How to Pack Nutritious Lunches for Your Kids Every Single Day appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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