Wednesday, January 31, 2018

7 Exciting Body Toning Exercises for Full Body Toning

Beat monotony! Take a break from your same old workout with these fun full body toning routines!

If you usually limit yourself to weight lifting or steady-state cardio on the treadmill, these fat-blasting HIIT and yoga workouts might be just what you need. They’re short workouts that challenge you to finish every single rep.

You don’t need to spend hours on the treadmill or the bike to see results. In fact, research has shown that interval workouts are just as effective. These quick, but intense, workouts deliver all the same benefits in half the time, with twice the fun!

Short, effective workouts are great for keeping your motivation high. You’ll stay committed, have more fun, and see results in the mirror even sooner than expected.

If you need to beat gym monotony, try any of these 7 workouts filled with body toning exercises that work!

1. Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine

We recommend this workout for beginners wanting to lose body fat and build endurance. If you can’t run a mile (yet!), this routine is a good way to start working on your heart health. It’ll help you slowly build up that cardiac endurance so that you’re able to run for longer.

It combines a little bit of cardio with a little bit of strength training. Both cardio and strength training are indispensable for long-term, total-body transformations.

You can do this workout about twice per week, alternating walking/jogging and dumbbell lifting on other days. This format is great losing weight and keeping it off!

2. The Ultimate No Equipment Fat Sizzling Workout

Fast paced, and with little rest, this workout gives you a total body challenge. It’s a great way to get a full workout in when you’re running short on time.

The workout is built around three sets that you’ll perform. The sets balance plyometric exercises (explosive moves that double as cardio), and bodyweight strength training. You’ll be doing burpees, squat jumps, walking lunges, mountain climbers, and more!

3. Spell Your Name A.M. Workout

Use this workout to get up and go!

Morning workouts can sound like a chore. After all, who would want to do burpees before breakfast? Nevertheless, once you get going it can actually be easier to complete your workout if you do it early.

Your body has plenty of energy from the night’s rest. And since exercising gets your blood pumping, morning workouts can actually help you feel more awake.

Although we recommend this Spell Your Name workout for the morning, you can do it any time of the day. It’s a fun workout because the format is different. You have moves to complete for every letter of your name. If just your name is too easy (I’m looking at you Mia), then you can try spelling your first, middle, AND last names!

4. Low Impact Fat Blaster

We’ve made low impact workouts an important part of Skinny Ms because it’s important to take care of our joints and bones. If you’re recovering from an injury, just starting out, or simply hesitant to put too much strain on your body, try this low impact workout.

Sure, the challenge of jump moves can be exciting. But sometimes, it’s more fun to do a workout that doesn’t feel strenuous on your joints. This routine is ideal for getting you moving, without burning you out.

5. HIIT The Treadmill

I often associate the treadmill with monotony. Nevertheless, doing interval training on the treadmill can make the time go by quickly.

Intervals take the monotony out of the treadmill! The fluctuations in speeds will help you stay in the zone, counting down the minutes until you complete the challenge. Add some upbeat music and your workout will be over before you know it!

6. 10-Minute Bodyweight Circuit for Butt and Thighs

Anyone can commit to a 10-minute workout! This simple lower body routine is all you need to get your muscles burning.

The workout uses four heart-challenging moves to get your blood pumping: pulse lunges (you WILL feel the burn), lateral side jumps, high knees, and skaters. These moves are quick to torch calories and eliminate fat.

Additionally, because the workout is only 10 minutes, you can fit it in any day of the week. Just make sure you have time for a shower afterwards because it will leave you sweaty!

7. 8 Yoga Poses for a Stronger Core

Another way you can break away from lifting and cardio is with yoga. Many people dismiss yoga because they don’t think it’s a real workout. Nevertheless, once you try a challenging move, you’ll realize just how intense yoga can be.

Yoga has the power to leave you sore, build upper and lower body strength, and burn body fat. A good yoga workout will make your muscles shake. You might struggle to keep your balance at first, but it’s this struggle that helps you build strong muscle.

This 8 pose workout is excellent for toning your stomach area. It’ll also challenge your balance and flexibility.

Whatever workout you decide to try, remember that fitness should be fun. If a workout bores you, or leaves you in constant pain, it’s probably not right for you.

These seven full body toning workouts are a wonderful place to start, but you can always check out more on our workouts page. We have a variety of HIIT routines you can choose from, as well as free monthly workout calendars to help keep you on track.

Let us know about your favorite Skinny Ms workouts in the comments section below and follow us on Facebook for more fitness advice, recipes, and more!

The post 7 Exciting Body Toning Exercises for Full Body Toning appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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