Thursday, January 4, 2018

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

woman doing push ups

Waking up any earlier than you need to on a given day can be a scary thought. As much as we want to sleep in to grab every extra second of sleep, while we think that extra time in bed will make us feel better throughout the day, it turns out that those extra minutes mean nothing in terms of all day energy.

Exercising in the morning is one the best ways to build lasting energy for the day. On top of energy, morning exercise helps your body to burn fat all day as you go about your regular routine. This 7 day challenge offers two great morning workouts that require no weights, and are designed to rev up your metabolism.

Here is a great 5-Day Clean Eating Breakfast Menu to help you feel even better after your workout.

Equipment Needed: yoga mat, interval timer

What to Do:  Choose 5 exercises to perform for each morning. Perform each exercise for one minute with no rest in between. If doing multiple rounds, rest 1 minute in between each round.

Beginner Level: 1 round
Intermediate Level: 2 rounds
Advanced Level: 3 rounds


1. Push-ups
2. Superman
3. Bridge
4. Tricep Push-ups
5. Toe Touch
6. Alternating Side Lunge
7. Squat Jump




Tricep Push-ups

Toe Touch

Alternating Side Lunge

Squat Jump

Once you complete this challenge try these other morning workouts to keep your momentum going:
Before Your Shower – Mini Morning Workout
5 Minute Morning Workout To Kickstart Your Day
Wake Me Up, Keep Me Going Workout Challenge

Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest to be the first to try out new workouts and view our latest fitness resources.

The post 7-Day Morning Workout Challenge appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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