Friday, January 12, 2018

21 Late Night Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories

When it comes to sleeping, I am very serious.

I look back on my time sharing a tiny dorm room in college, and I wonder how I ever got any sleep! Now, I like sticking to my routine for getting a good night’s sleep.

Lately, that routine involves making sure I don’t go to bed hungry.

If I’m hungry, I’ll end up tossing and turning to the rhythm of my growling stomach, losing precious hours of shut-eye. Plus, I like to work out in the mornings, and it’s never good to hit the gym starving. So, I am a huge proponent of the late night snack.

However, certain foods consumed before bed can totally inhibit your sleep, and affect your overall health in general. These treacherous sleep killers can mess with your blood sugar levels, induce heartburn, and overwork your digestion system, ultimately keeping you up throughout the night and preventing you from getting quality sleep.

But if hunger strikes shortly before you hit the pillow, you don’t have to ignore it altogether!

Here at SkinnyMs., we’ve rounded up our top picks for delicious late night snacks. With each snack weighing in at 99 calories or fewer, these healthy choices will settle your grumbling tummy without piling on the pounds. Meanwhile, these foods won’t disturb your sleep, and have you skimping on zzzs as a result. Check out these sleep-approved snacks, and satisfy those late-night munchies without damaging your health!

 Note: Calories are per standard serving

1. Slow Cooker Skinny Applesauce (89 Calories)

I love keeping this on hand for a super quick bedtime snack. This rich and flavorful applesauce recipe puts store-bought brands to shame, and carries a mere 89 calories you can enjoy sans guilt.

2. Baked Apple Chips (32 Calories)

You don’t have to feel guilty about gobbling down these chips! So much better than anything you’d grab from a vending machine, these savory sweet delights are crunchy and delicious, and clock in at just 32 calories a serving.

3. Oven-Baked Zucchini Chips (99 Calories)

Starring one of the hottest superfoods out there, this scrumptious recipe calls for just a few simple, feel-good ingredients that’ll hit the spot when hunger strikes.

4. Paleo Friendly Meaty Veggie Roll Ups (71 Calories)

These paleo roll-ups carry virtually zero carbs while packing a protein punch that’ll crush cravings and battle hunger. Deliciously meaty, each roll weighs in at just 71 calories. Plus, they take almost no time to make.

5. 3-Ingredient Parmesan Kale Chips (73 Calories)

I am all about crunchy snacks. With just 3 nutritious ingredients, these yummy chips are  snap to whip up. Ditch the potato chips and get your fix with this crave-worthy, guilt-free snack!


The post 21 Late Night Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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