Sunday, April 15, 2018

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Do you want to know how to lose weight and sculpt your body at the same time? Follow this Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches. This workout plan consists of 5 days on and 2 days off. It requires access to a gym. Anyone can follow this program, and you can go at your own pace.

My clients with a main goal of fat loss follow a similar plan to this one. It is designed into two upper body days, two lower body days and one day that focuses on just cardio. One of the upper body days and one of the lower body days also require a bit of cardio (so 3 days of cardio, total).

What makes this a fat burning workout? First of all, you will find compound lifts (squats, dead-lifts and bench press) integrated into each day. Compound movements burn more calories. Secondly, we’ve incorporated active rests. This means that you are ALWAYS doing something. You’re never just sitting there. In between sets, you will perform one of the selected active rests for 30 seconds before moving to the next set. This keeps your heart rate up and the fat melting! You will want to choose a moderately heavy weight to complete the number of reps assigned.

You can repeat this plan for 6 to 12 weeks. When it starts to feel easy, up the weight and/or increase reps.

We must keep in mind as always, that consistency is key. Weight loss requires effort, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. We will include instructional videos for each exercise on the next page. Ready to get started?!

Day 1: Lower Body

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Active Rest: Kettle Bell Swing or Mountain Climbers

Just to make sure that you understand, an example of how you’ll utilize active rests follows: 15 squats, 30 seconds of kettle bell swings, 15 more squats, 30 more seconds of kettle bell swings and one more set of 15 squats, followed by the final set of kettle bell swings. From there you’ll move on to single-leg dead lifts…

Squats – 3 sets of 15

Single-Leg Dead Lifts – 3 sets of 15 per leg

Cable Hip Abduction – 3 sets of 15 per leg

Standing Calf Raise – 3 sets of 15

ABS: Reverse Crunches and Planks – 3 sets of 30 Seconds each

Day 2: Upper Body

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Active rest: Slam Ball or Jumping Jacks

Bench Press – 3 sets of 15

Cable Row – 3 sets of 15

Lateral Dumbbell Shoulder Raise – 3 sets of 15

Bicep Dumbbell Curl – 3 sets of 15

Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks – 3 sets of 15

20 Minutes HIIT (treadmill, elliptical, stepper, etc.) – one minute walk, one minute jog/run for 10 sets

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Lower Body

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Active Rest: Knee-Ups or Skaters

Walking Lunges (Alternating) – 3 sets of 20

Barbell Deadlifts – 3 sets of 15

Leg Press – 3 sets of 15

Hamstring Curl – 3 sets of 15

ABS: Sit-ups and Russian Twists – 3 sets of 30 seconds each

20 Minutes HIIT (treadmill, elliptical, stepper, etc.) – one minute walk, one minute jog/run for 10 sets

Day 5: Upper Body

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Active Rest: Battle Rope or Burpees

Dumbbell Rows – 3 sets of 15

Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 15

Pec Fly Machine – 3 sets of 15

Cable Curls – 3 sets of 15

Tricep Cable Push Down – 3 sets of 15

Day 6: Cardio

Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

Treadmill or Outside

Warm-Up – 5 minutes (moderate pace)

Jog/Run – one minute on, one minute off (for 11 rounds or 22 minutes)

Cool down – 3 minutes (moderate pace)

This will take you 30 minutes total.

Day 7: Rest

Instructional videos on the next page…

The post Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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