Thursday, April 12, 2018

14-Day Toned Legs & Thighs Workout Challenge

14-Day Toned Legs & Thighs Workout Challenge

Think you don’t have time to get fit? Think again! Here at Skinny Ms, we emphasize the quality of a workout, not the length. And this 14-Day Toned Legs & Thighs Workout Challenge builds muscle and burns fat using short daily workouts that can fit into almost any schedule.

The challenge isn’t easy. It’s two straight weeks of intense lower body workouts. You’re going to be sore, but you’ll also be glad you did it. And in the end you should see a marked difference in muscle tone along your legs.

The workouts use a blend of fat-burning plyometric moves and strength-building bodyweight exercises.

In order to maximize fat loss, we incorporated burpees, skaters, butt kicks, and jumps. These exercises double as cardio, improving heart health and endurance while torching calories.

You’ll also be doing moves like single-leg deadlifts, glute bridges, and lunges. These exercises are geared towards building lean muscle mass. First you’ll build new muscle, then you’ll use the cardio to lean out and highlight definition.

Over the course of the two weeks, the workouts get progressively harder, so make sure to eat plenty of protein and drink enough water. This will help keep you from burning out before you complete the challenge.

14-Day Toned Legs & Thighs Workout Challenge

After each workout, we highly suggest doing 10 – 20 minutes of stretching. This Morning Stretching Routine isn’t just good for getting out of bed. It’s also a good post-workout routine. If you want something that targets the legs more directly, try these 10 Essential Stretches for Runners.

Once you’re done with the fourteen days, we suggest taking one to two days off for recovery and going back to routines that target the whole body. You should notice both a change in how you look, and improved muscular endurance.

It won’t be easy, but in the end, it’ll be worth it!

What You Need: a pair of light dumbbells (5 – 10 lb.), and a mat or towel to lay on the floor.

What to Do: Complete the workout assigned for each day. Beginners can take a rest day every other day or every two days.

Below, we’ve included videos showing how to perform each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.

Download your 14-Day Calendar and never miss a workout.



Reverse Lunges with Front Kicks


Single-Leg Deadlifts with Dumbbells

Backwards Lunge Jump

Calf Raises

Donkey Kicks

Fire Hydrants

Single-Leg Glute Bridge

Squat to Shoulder Press

Sumo Squats

Butt Kicks



The post 14-Day Toned Legs & Thighs Workout Challenge appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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