Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

As far as maintaining a healthy lifestyle goes, most of it comes pretty easy to me. I love eating healthy and preparing clean recipes, and I actually look forward to daily workouts. (No, really.)

But we all have our weaknesses. Mine is portion control. Sure, I have no problem cooking healthy food. But I still always want to eat too much of it. That’s why I love recipes that make portion control easy, like this salmon foil packet recipe.

With foil packet recipes, portioning happens in the prep, making it much easier to keep things in check when it comes time to serve. There is no greater threat to my dieting efforts than a massive serving dish I’m expected to portion for myself. History has shown that I will overdo it almost every time.

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

Fortunately, this salmon foil packet recipe helps eliminate the temptation to overindulge. By cooking your meal in individually prepared foil packets, it’s much easier to know where to draw the line when it comes time to serve.

Another added bonus of foil packet recipes? They make serving and clean up a cinch! Sure, you can get fancy and serve this meal on anything from paper plates to fine china. But it’s also super easy (and perfectly acceptable) to grab a fork and eat this baked-to-perfection salmon filet right out of the foil. As someone who once vowed as a child to never own dishes, (I was fed up with my nightly dishwashing responsibilities…It was a simpler time) I always appreciate when going dish free is an option.

Oh, and did I mention this recipe only takes about 30 minutes? Healthy, delicious, and simple from prep to clean up, this is the perfect recipe for busy weeknights.

Now that I’ve given my spiel on the benefits of foil packets, let’s get into the salmon itself, shall we? There is, after all, much more to this meal than its packaging.

As all salmon lovers know, there is no end of flavors that pair well with this omega-3 rich fish. From Asian-inspired recipes to tangy citrus or honey barbecue, there are so many different ways you can go with salmon.

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

As a a huge mushroom fan, I am in love with this mushroom and garlic salmon recipe. This savory, steakhouse-inspired flavor is a take on salmon I don’t see as often, and it may just be my new favorite.

While salmon recipes often feel overtly summery to me, especially lemon/citrus ones, this recipe has a rich and savory mushroom flavor that makes it a great option for fall and winter. The mushroom, onion, and garlic topping reminds me of some of my favorite steakhouse flavors, and they pair perfectly with salmon for a meal that is both rich and light.

Of course, salmon really is a meal for all seasons, and this delicious mushroom and garlic salmon foil packet recipe tastes just as good on a warm summer night as it does in the winter. This savory, easy recipe is really a go-to for any night, any time.

If you’re a fan of this omega-3, protein, and potassium packed fish, check out these other salmon recipes:

Check out this video to see how to make the recipe:

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe

Yields: 4 servings | Serving Size: 1 packet | Calories: 406 | Total Fat: 26g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 94mg | Sodium: 225mg | Carbohydrates: 5g | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Protein: 36g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 1


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup red onion, sliced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 cups mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup vegetable broth
  • 4 (6 ounce) boneless salmon fillets, skin off


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet on medium heat. Once hot add the onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Cook until onions are soft and the mushrooms have released their moisture. Add the salt, thyme, parsley, and broth. Stir just until the mixture begins to simmer.
  3. Lay out fur large pieces of foil and lightly spray with non stick spray. Place a salmon filet in the center of each. Top with the mushroom mixture, dividing the mixture evenly between each packet. Fold in the sides to create a packet folding the sides tightly, and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake for 15 minutes and remove from the oven. Let rest for 5 minutes before carefully open the packets. Be careful of the steam!

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The post Baked-to-Perfection Salmon Foil Packet with Mushroom & Garlic Recipe appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/salmon-foil-packet-recipe/

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