Monday, April 16, 2018

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans for Women

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

Does your home double as your gym? Luckily, our bodies are the only tool that we need to get a great workout in. You don’t need a gym. With a few extra workout tools like a set of dumbbells, a timer and a yoga mat, you can keep your routine exciting and challenging! We’ve rounded up the 12 Best At-Home Workout Plans for Women.

Whether you’re a stay at home mom that can’t get to the gym or you simply don’t want to pay for a membership, these 12 at-home workouts will make you feel fitter than ever! They will work your entire body, sculpting your muscles and shredding excess fat. Along with trying out these routines, read about the 10 Ways to Stay Focused While Working Out at Home.

The Workouts

1. At-Home Fat Burning Workout

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

What you need: A timer, a towel or yoga mat and a jump rope.

This cardio workout is a serious calorie burner and fat shredder! The at-home fat burning workout takes less than 15 minutes. You’ll definitely break a sweat with these moves!

2. At-Home Beginner Ab Routine

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

What you need: A timer, a towel or yoga mat and a set of dumbbells.

The At-Home Beginner Ab routine is designed for those of you that are just getting started on your fitness journey! These basic ab exercises will help you to build the foundational strength that you need in order to excel!

3. Six Best At-Home Workouts to get a Beautiful Butt

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

What you need: A bench (couch or coffee table will do) and a towel or yoga mat.

This workout for a beautiful butt is a burner. Seriously, you’ll feel the work you put in for daysss. Building up those glutes will give you the firm and perky butt that you’ve always dreamed of. All that you have to do is put in consistent effort and you will be rewarded greatly!

4. 15 Minute Indoor Body Weight HIIT Workout

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

What you need: A timer and a towel or yoga mat.

The 15-Minute workout requires no gym equipment! It’s an excellent choice whether you’re at the office, stuck at home or on a long road trip! (It feels SO good to get out and move after sitting for so long!) This workout gets your heart rate up and melts fat!

5. Abs, Butt and Legs Home Workout

12 Best At-Home Workout Plans For Women

What you need: A timer and a towel or yoga mat.

This is another body weight workout that doesn’t require any gym equipment! That means that it’s another workout that you can do from just about anywhere. Targeting your abs, booty and legs, it will burn and tone in all the right places!

The post 12 Best At-Home Workout Plans for Women appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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