Friday, April 27, 2018

High Fiber Diet Plan For Beginners

12 Easy Lunch & Snack Ideas That Won't Get Old

If you’re looking to kick-start your diet plan, or make your current plan more effective, you should seriously consider increasing your diet intake. Our high fiber diet plan for beginners makes it easy to do so! If you’re not convinced yet, you should definitely read on to learn why it’s so important to increase your fiber intake.

Research shows that fiber is a weight-loss powerhouse. It improves your gut bacteria and decreases your risk of heart disease and diabetes along the way. If you don’t know how to get more fiber in your diet, you’re in the right place. We explain the different types of fiber. In addition, we also make some great recipe recommendations below!

Make it a Slow Transition

In short, fiber isn’t digested by your body. Rather, it is passed through your body, cleaning it up as it goes along. Some fiber is soluble – that means it dissolves in water – but other fibers are insoluble. These insoluble fibers promote the movement of materials through your digestive system. If you’re not used to eating a lot of fiber, this type can quickly build up in your system.

In this case, we definitely recommend you move slowly in increasing your fiber intake. Increase your fiber intake slowly to prevent stomach cramps and difficulty passing stool. You should also increase your water intake, especially if you’re trying to take it slow.

Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber attracts water and dissolves, forming a gel that creates bulk in your digestive system. This type of fiber is really well known for keeping you feeling full. That’s because the gel takes up so much space, you don’t have room for more food!

This type of fiber is found in oats, nuts, seeds, barley, beans, peas, and lentils. Here are some great recipe ideas for increasing your soluble fiber:

Insoluble Fiber

Insoluble fiber helps move material along in the digestive system, so it’s great at aiding in elimination. It’s not only eliminating foods you eat, but it’s also ridding your body of toxins, too.

This type of fiber is mostly found in vegetables (there are a lot of them, but the highest fiber vegetables are turnips, green peas, okra, sweet potatos, corn, kale, beets, and asparagus). It’s also found in whole grains, and wheat bran. To increase your insoluble fiber, try some of these recipes:

Our beginner plans don’t stop with this high fiber diet plan for beginners! We have a guide for almost everything on our Facebook and Pinterest pages, and our newsletter will keep you in the know about what’s coming up next. Check it out!

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