Thursday, April 19, 2018

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

We love the Weight Watchers points system. It not only makes it quick and easy to count calories to lose weight, but it also teaches you nutrition in the process. Something that’s high in points is probably less healthy than something that contains zero-points. In fact, I know people who used Weight Watchers to lose weight years ago and they’ve successfully kept it off because of the points system! They tell me it’s especially important to memorize the Weight Watchers zero-point foods because these foods are “free!”

The Weight Watchers program assigns points to foods to steer your to healthier choices. The points are allocated based on nutritional values. For example, “junk food” that’s filled with sugars and saturated fats aren’t restricted on the diet, but they do have a high point value. More nutritious foods with beneficial fats and high protein contents have lower points values. You are allowed to eat a certain number of points each day, so the choice is up to you – feel full by eating lots of low point foods, or satisfy your sweet tooth and eat something with lots of points.

Under the new Freestyle program, a whole bunch of Weight Watchers zero-point foods have been released. That’s great news for anyone interested in jumping on the program’s weight-loss train. The list is really comprehensive and includes fruits and vegetables alongside lean proteins like chicken breasts, eggs, and turkey. You can also eat nonfat yogurt without stacking up the points and lots of legumes – like black beans and lentils – because these categories are all included in the Weight Watchers zero-point foods list.

As a result, these 55 Weight Watchers zero-point foods make it easier to create low-point meals. You can eat many of them on their own as a breakfast or a snack, or you can use the provided recipes for low-point breakfasts, lunches, or dinners. After you check out the list, be sure to check out our Weight Watchers menus for more ideas and inspiration.

1. Apples

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

You can buy a bag of apples and nosh on one for zero points, but you can also save some to make these healthy Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes

2. Apricots

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

This summer fruit is one of the most delicious Weight Watchers zero-point foods because it’s so sweet and delicious. Check out these 3 Reasons to Enjoy Apricots.

 3. Artichokes

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

This veggie is chock-full of nutrients, and it’s also tasty.. Learn the 3 Reasons to Include Artichokes in Your Diet.

4. Arugula

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

Arugula is a spicy green that takes meals to the next level because it’s easy to use and inexpensive, too. Change up your breakfast with this savory and healthy Arugula, Mushroom, and Tomato Poached Egg Toast.

5. Asparagus

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

Paleo lovers will enjoy this delicious Grilled Pork Chops with Asparagus and Pesto recipe because its satisfyingly guilt-free, and it’s yummy, too.

6. Banana

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

A banana alone is wonderfully healthy, and it’s also a filling snack. If you have too many, and are afraid they’ll go bad, try these 15 Banana Recipes to Make Before They Go Bad.

7. Beets

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

Roast some beets for a sweet snack, and it probably makes a great side dish, too. Here’s How to Easily Peel Roasted Beets.

8. Blueberries

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

A handful of blueberries may just be enough to keep you away from those office cookies because they’re great at satisfying a sweet-tooth. In addition, these Greek Yogurt Pancakes with Blueberries & Honey are also another wonderful way to enjoy them.

9. Broccoli

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

This cruciferous vegetable is rich in taste, and it’s easy to eat because it’s so delicious. As a result, it’s the perfect zero-point food. Try this Creamy Broccoli Soup Recipe.

10. Brussels sprouts

55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods

A bowl of roasted Brussels sprouts alone can make for one satisfying meal because of their flavor. You can also try them shredded in this Shredded Brussels Sprouts with Cherry Tomatoes recipe. Due to their flavor and diversity, you can add this tasty vegetable to a number of dishes.

The post 55 Weight Watchers Zero-Point Foods appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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