Friday, April 6, 2018

14-Day Blazing Abs & Core Workout

14-Day Blazing Abs & Core Workout

I have some good news! You don’t need to spend hours training your core! Luckily, a large portion of the exercises that you’re probably already performing (squats, dead-lifts, bench press, etc…) are indirectly working your core! However, this 14-day blazing abs & core workout is a great addition to your training program. Some isolation work will boost your progress!

Your core is the foundation of your body. Think of it this way, all of your limbs stem from your core. This means that all of your functional movements and exercises also begin in your core. The blazing abs & core workout is an excellent routine for building a strong foundation. A stronger core will lead to a stronger body. Training the muscles will build them up so that when you combine these exercises with a healthy diet and cardio routine, you can unveil all of your hard work! A common misconception that I want to clear up is that working abs will not make them show. We all have a certain amount of fat above the muscle. The only way to see your abs is to shred the fat! Try this Belly Fat Melting workout!

This particular exercise routine is built so that you can integrate it into your current workout routine. For instance, you can do day 1 after your leg day routine, day 2 after chest day, day 3 after back day and day 4 after shoulder day. Think of it as an addition to your workout. You don’t necessarily need to just have a core day. Splitting it into multiple days will allow you to perform more volume (sets, reps) and decrease the amount of delayed onset muscle soreness that you’ll experience.

14-Day Blazing Abs & Core Workout

What You Need: A yoga mat or towel, a medicine ball or kettle bell and a timer.

What to do: Week 1 you will perform 3 sets of 30 seconds. Give yourself a 30 to 60 second break in between sets. You can choose to perform all 3 sets of the same exercise before moving to the next or you can do it in a circuit style. On week 2, you will perform all of the same exercises on the same days as week 1 but you will complete 3 rounds of 45-60 seconds (depending on your ability level.) We’ve included instructional videos for each, below.

Day 1:

  1. Proper Sit-up
  2. Bird Dog
  3. Bicycle Crunch

Day 2:

  1. Hollow Rock
  2. Prone Plank
  3. Dead Bug

Day 3:

  1. Leg Drops
  2. Russian Twists
  3. Glute Bridge March

Day 4:

  1. Scissor Lifts
  2. Side Plank Hip Lift
  3. Inchworms

Proper Sit-up

Bird Dog

Bicycle Crunch

Hollow Rock

Prone Plank

Dead Bug

Leg Drops

Russian Twists

Glute Bridge March

Scissor Lifts

Side Plank Hip Lift


Try adding these exercises into your current routine! You can keep working on them even after the 2 weeks is up. Once 60 seconds is too easy move to 75, 90, etc. You’ll definitely feel stronger and may very well notice your other lifts increase, too! Let us know what you think in the comments below! As always, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for all of the latest ab shredding workouts! In fact, if you enjoyed this one, try the 10 Minute Ab Burn Workout!

The post 14-Day Blazing Abs & Core Workout appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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