Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Quickest Way to Burn 300 Calories

The Quickest Way to Burn 300 Calories in Less Than 30 Minutes

The most commonly used excuse for not working out is, “I don’t have time.” My question for you is how much time do you spend on your phone each day? How long do you watch TV every night? Some of the busiest people that I know still find time in their schedules to get a workout in!

Options Galore

There are a number of different ways that you can burn 300 calories. You typically burn 100 calories per mile. If you can train yourself to run 10-minute miles, you can burn 300 calories in a half hour. 30 minutes of moderate to high-intensity biking and swimming is another great option. You burn approximately 10 calories per minute when you jump rope so jumping rope for 30 minutes leads to 300 calories burned. This 30 Minute Fat-Melting Cardio Workout will burn about 300 calories as well.

As you can see, the options are endless. I want to give you one more option with this 30-minute high-intensity interval training workout. HIIT has been proven to burn loads of calories, fast! This workout is not made for beginners, although there are always ways to modify. Go at your own pace but don’t hesitate to push yourself!

The Workout

What you need: a stopwatch

What to do: Complete each exercise for 60 seconds, rest for 15 seconds and then move directly to the next exercise. After each round, rest for 1 minute. Complete 5 rounds.

  1. Jump Rope
  2. Walking Lunges
  3. Burpees with Push-Up
  4. Jumping Jacks

Jump Rope

Walking Lunges

Burpees with Push-Up

Jumping Jacks

As I stated above, this workout is modifiable. If you can’t jump rope, you can perform step-ups or high knees. If walking lunges are too difficult for you, perform assisted reverse lunges or body weight squats. A modification for burpees with push-ups is mountain climbers and push-ups from your knees. Lastly, if jumping jacks are too difficult at the moment, you can choose to do high knees with arm swings or skaters. Keep the intensity as high as possible with all movements.

The Quickest Way to Burn 300 Calories

Give it a try and let us know what you think! A great workout doesn’t have to take up a ton of time. Put your phone down and get up off the couch for 30 minutes! I know that you may feel tired after a long day but I promise you’ll feel rejuvenated after a killer sweat sesh’ like this! It’s been proven that exercise provides us with MORE energy!

As always, follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the latest fat burning, body sculpting workouts!

The post The Quickest Way to Burn 300 Calories appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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