Monday, April 30, 2018

7-Day Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners

An integral part of a lifestyle change is making the decision to do it. Since you’re here reading this, you clearly want to make that change! Good for you! Taking part in a workout challenge is a fantastic way to jump start your fitness journey. This 7-Day Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners is an excellent place to start.

This challenge will test you both physically and mentally. It will require hard work and dedication but the results will be well worth it! With this challenge, you will lose weight & inches and gain strength & confidence! Maintaining a healthy lifestyle doesn’t need to be difficult. We’re going to show you exactly what you need to do in order to be successful!

Remember that you can do anything that you set your mind to. Once this 7-day challenge is over, it’s imperative that you keep on working towards a healthier lifestyle. This means continuing to eat right and exercise regularly. One thing that I tell my training clients is that a healthy lifestyle should be a permanent change, not a phase with a temporary goal. In order to help you along, we’ve included some of our best tips to enhance your results:

1. Drink water – When you have water available 24/7, it makes it easier to stay hydrated. Drink a glass of water when you first wake up and continue to drink periodically throughout the day.  In total, you should drink 64-80 ounces (8-10 glasses) of water each day. You know you’re hydrated when your urine is clear or nearly clear.

2. Sodas – Give up sodas, including diet varieties, as they contain either loads of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Some of my clients have noticed that drinking diet soda increased their sugar cravings, causing them to make unhealthy choices. Check out the 30 Day No Soda Challenge.

3. Avoid junk food and fast food – You’d probably be amazed at how fast calories can add up from junk food and eating out. Instead, cook at home and discover how easy it is to transition from a diet filled with processed foods to a clean eating plan. Click here for endless SkinnyMs clean eating recipes!

4. Eat more fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, lean protein, and low-fat dairy; and avoid overly processed foods that are packed with sodium and refined sugar. Eating nutrient dense food will help you lose weight and feel better!

5. Eat smaller portions – We recommend eating three small meals and two to three clean snacks each day. Also, using smaller plates can help to keep your portions in check. To make this part of the challenge even easier, join the Skinny Plate Club.

6. Read labels and look at the ingredient list. If the product contains refined sugar, enriched white flour and is high in sodium, it’s a food best left on the shelf. If you can’t pronounce each of the ingredients or know what they are, you probably shouldn’t be buying it. Reading the ingredient label is a must if your goal is to know exactly what goes into your body. A great tip is to skip the grocery aisles and stick to the perimeter of the store where the fruits, veggies and fresh protein is!

These six tips will help you to greatly improve your diet. The majority of your weight loss progress will come as a result of healthy eating. Learn more about clean eating by reading 7 Simple Steps to Clean Eating!

Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners:

Equipment Needed: Set of dumbbells (5-10 lbs), a chair, interval timer (Gymboss is a free app download).

What to Do: Perform all exercises 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds after each one. Complete each routine 3 times and rest 1 full minute after each circuit.

Exercise not only helps to burn excess calories, but it also changes your mind set. By working out each day, you train yourself to make better, healthier choices. Each of the workouts involved in this challenge take less than 20 minutes, making them totally easy to accomplish! You will work every muscle in your body by participating in this challenge, which will lead to stronger, more toned muscles.

When you eat right and workout consistently you WILL get results! Are you ready to start your journey to a healthier lifestyle? Let’s get started! If you’re unsure of how to perform a particular exercise, we’ve included instructional videos for each one, below!


Monday :

1. Leg Raise
2. Plank
3. Hip Extensions left side
4. Hip Extensions right side
5. March in Place

Tuesday :

1. Military Press
2. Plié/Sumo Squat
3. Stiff Legged Deadlift with Dumbbells
4. Foot to Foot Crunches
5. High Knees in Place

Wednesday :

1. Goblet Squat
2. Knee Touches in Place
3. Tricep Kickbacks
4. Rear Leg Extension left leg
5. Rear Leg Extension right leg

Thursday :

Rest Day – Take a brisk 30 minute walk

Friday :

1. March in Place
2. Traditional Crunch
3. Chair Squat
4. Wall Push-Up
5. Bodyweight Glute Bridge

Saturday :

1. Toe Reach
2. Alternating Lunges
3. Lying Oblique Twist
4. Body Weight Squat
5. High Knees in Place

Sunday :

1. Russian/Mason Twist
2. Knee Push-Ups
3. Alternating Reverse Lunge
4. Reverse Crunch
5. Knee Touches in Place


Instructional Videos

Monday :

Leg Raise


Hip Extensions

March in Place

Tuesday :

Military Press

Plié/Sumo Squat

Stiff Legged Deadlift with Dumbbells

Foot to Foot Crunches

High Knees in Place

Wednesday :

Goblet Squat

Knee Touches in Place

Tricep Kickbacks

Rear Leg Extension

Thursday :

Rest Day – Take a brisk 30 minute walk

Friday :

March in Place

Traditional Crunch

Chair Squat

Wall Push-Up

Bodyweight Glute Bridge


Toe Reach

Alternating Lunges

Lying Oblique Twist

Body Weight Squat

High Knees in Place

Sunday :

Russian/Mason Twist

Knee Push-Ups

Alternating Reverse Lunge

Reverse Crunch

Knee Touches in Place

What did you think of our Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners? How do you feel? Share your results with us in the comment section, below!

Looking for more total body workouts? Try these:

Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine

Total Body Workout for Beginners

Shape Up Size Down – Beginner’s Workout

Beginners’ 4 Minute Fat Blaster

Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram to be the first to try out new workouts and view our latest fitness resources.

Does your fitness program need a jump start? Try our 6 Week Emergency Makeover Program. Or, you might like our new eBook Bundle Package.

Editor’s Note: Originally Published: Jan 1, 2014

The post 7-Day Weight Loss Workout Challenge for Beginners appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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