Monday, December 31, 2018

Baking Made Easy: Tips for Making Sugar-Free Desserts

It’s no secret that sugar isn’t good for our bodies. Not only can it lead to unwanted weight gain, but it can influence our heart health, increase our risk of diabetes, and much more. For many of us, cutting out dessert feels impossible. But what if there was a different way to reduce your sugar consumption? Let’s check out the top tips for making sugar-free desserts. You may be surprised at just how simple, and oh-so-delicious, recipes can be without all of the unnecessary sugar.

Check Out Natural Sweeteners

You may be surprised to learn that sugar isn’t the only way that you can achieve a sweet flavor. There are a variety of natural sweeteners such as monk fruit sweetener or erythritol. Both of these types of sweeteners are often used in low-carb recipes.

Monk fruit is derived from monk fruit, which is native to Thailand and other areas of China.

Reasons you’ll love monk fruit sweeteners:

  • It’s much sweeter than regular sugar.
  • It doesn’t raise blood sugar levels
  • It has virtually no calories in powder form

Erythritol is another natural sweetener. It is actually a sugar alcohol rather than a pure sugar.

Reasons you’ll love erythritol sweeteners:

  • It does not impact blood sugar
  • Does not cause tooth decay
  • It has virtually no calories
  • Partially absorbed by the body

For more information about natural sweeteners make sure to check out 5 Healthy Sugar Substitutes for even more options!

Use Room Temperature Ingredients

This may sound like one of the oddest tips for making sugar-free desserts, but anybody who’s been baking for a while can vouch for this one. It’s important to allow all of the ingredients to become room temperature before blending them together. It’s said that room temperature allows the parts to blend evenly and give the natural sweeteners the opportunity to actually work.

Keep in mind, certain ingredients like coconut oil may not blend properly if they come into contact with cold ingredients. To avoid this potential issue, simply set out all of your ingredients for about 15 minutes before you plan on starting the recipe.

Understand Types of Flours

White flour is almost always avoided in sugar-free baking. Because of this, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the various types of flour. Each flour type varies a little when it comes to consistency. Keep in mind, when using a liquid form of natural sweetener, the type of flour you use can absorb some of that liquid to help keep the texture more solid. As you bake more sugar-free desserts, you’ll quickly learn which types of flour will give you the consistency you are going for. As a general rule, whole wheat flours are denser than other options.

Understand Oils

One of the most important tips for making sugar-free desserts is understanding oils and how they interact with other ingredients often found in sugar-free desserts. Oils blend differently with certain flours. For example, recipes that require coconut oil will often need more flour in order to maintain consistency. Olive oil can be a great stand-in when you are using less flour, but it could potentially impact the flavor of the dish.

Get Ready to Use Extracts

If you are a sugar-free foodie, then extracts will quickly become your best friend. This little trick allows you to add a little more flavor and sweetness without relying on traditional sugar or expensive natural sweeteners. You’ll quickly learn that liquid stevia extract is a popular go-to for sugar-free recipes because it adds more sweetness without the calories.

Use Your Oven Less

Who doesn’t love a recipe that requires very little bake time? The greatest thing about sugar-free desserts is that natural sweeteners require less cooking. You can easily knock off about 5-10 minutes per recipe when using a natural sweetener. You should be careful when using a brand new recipe, however, as the bake time may vary a bit. Be prepared for a little trial and error at first.

Play Around!

One of the best tips for making sugar-free desserts is giving yourself permission to play around with the ingredients. Learning how certain ingredients mesh can certainly be a bit of a science. As you try different sugar-free dessert recipes, pay special attention to what works and what doesn’t. For many people, the problem usually rests in the flour and sweetener combination.

Sugar-free desserts are a great way to curb that sweet tooth without sacrificing your diet or health. For more inspiration just like this, follow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook. We’re always posting delicious recipes and tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle! 


The post Baking Made Easy: Tips for Making Sugar-Free Desserts appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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