Monday, February 26, 2018

Top 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Exercises To Get a Stronger, Tighter Body

The HIIT buzz is still growing! Trainers and gym enthusiasts have discovered how effective fat-blasting HIIT exercises are, and the fitness community isn’t turning back any time soon.

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a training style that alternates bursts of intense exercise (think sprinting) with short recovery periods (think walking). In recent years it has soared in popularity. Currently it’s widely considered the best way to lose weight and improve conditioning.

HIIT works because it asks you to push your body to its maximum capacity. When you sprint, you have to sprint as fast as you can. When you jump, you have to jump as high as possible, putting as much explosiveness into your movements as you can.

Although you’re pushing your body to the limit, you’re doing so for a short period of time. This means that you won’t burn out too quickly. HIIT workouts allow your body just enough recovery time to keep going and push harder.

Research has found that a short HIIT workout delivers all the same health benefits as a traditional cardio workout. Traditional cardio includes jogging on the treadmill and going on the stationary bike.

In this study, researchers compared a 10-minute HIIT workout (including warm up and cool down) to a 45-minute steady cardio workout. Volunteers exercised three times per week for twelve weeks. At the end of the study both groups showed equal gains in endurance and insulin resistance.

What this shows is that with interval training, you don’t need to spend hours at the gym. You can fit in an effective workout before or after work, or even between classes.

Athletes have long used HIIT workouts to quickly improve their conditioning. Luckily, interval training has made its way into the mainstream fitness community and now you have an array of HIIT workouts right at the tip of your cursor.

As we said before, HIIT is widely considered the best way to lose weight. If you’re looking for a solid fat-blasting workout, this is a great place to start.

1. Fast Cardio Workout Equals 45-Minutes at the Gym

This workout routine is based on the format used in the study mentioned above. The entire routine takes 10 minutes, including warm up and cool down. However, instead of working at a stationary bike, you’ll be doing a no-equipment workout.

Your high-intensity periods will consist of tuck jumps. Trust me, they’re more exhausting than they look. Remember that it’s only 20-second intervals. Push yourself to the limit and don’t give up!

For the low-intensity recovery periods, you’ll be jogging in place. If you do this workout outdoors, you can jog normally or even power walk.

2. 12-Minute Workout for Weight Loss

For this workout, you’ll be doing 40 seconds of high-intensity exercise followed by 20-second recovery periods.

The exercises you’ll be performing are burpees, mountain climbers, squat jumps, and skaters. All of these are great at raising your heart rate, which means they drive your body right into its maximum fat burn zone. Get through three rounds and you’ll see results in no time.

3. 30-Minute Melt Off The Weight Cardio Workout

One of our longest interval workouts, this 30-Minute Melt Off the Weight Cardio Workout is a challenge that pays off. It’s designed for intense calorie-burn and quick weight loss results. Nevertheless, 30 minutes of HIIT can be quite challenging, so we suggest you come prepared to give 100%.

You’ll be doing burpees, sumo squats, mountain climbers, walking lunges, squat to shoulder presses, and leg lifts. The variety of these exercises targets all your major muscle groups, including upper body, legs, and abs.

If you’re interested in testing the effectiveness of HIIT for yourself, these three fat-burning workouts are a great place to start. They’re filled with exercises that torch fat quickly, tone the muscles, and challenge your cardiac endurance.


For more information of the benefits of interval training, check out these 5 Reasons to Start HIIT. And if we’ve convinced you of its effectiveness, take our 21-Day HIIT Challenge!

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