Sunday, February 18, 2018

No Starch Diet Recipes for People Who Need More Energy In Their Day

Have you been considering going on a no starch diet? The diet, which is meant to provide your body with the nutrition it needs while eliminating empty carbohydrates, is actually way more accessible than you might imagine.

Yes, you’ll have to say sayonara to cereal and a heaping bowl of pasta, but there is so much goodness out there for you to indulge in.

Let’s get something straight about starch. When chosen carefully, starches can be a part of a healthy, balanced diet. They are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. But not all starches are created equal.

An easy way to avoid starches is to cut out grains and their flours, which are found in such things as cookies, baked potatoes, breads, pasta, rice, and French fries, which, when over consumed (which they typically are in the American diet), can cause weight gain.

Starches are also found in high concentrations in winter squash such as butternut or acorn, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, sweet corn, peas, and parsnips.

However, just cutting out starches and not knowing what to fill in its place for energy isn’t a smart idea. If you want to go on a no starch diet, without crashing, it’s important to get enough protein and other healthy carbs, as well as increase your fat intake.

 Here’s a guide from what to eat from breakfast to dessert.

The post No Starch Diet Recipes for People Who Need More Energy In Their Day appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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