Saturday, February 10, 2018

10 Sensational Superfoods To Give You More Energy Throughout The Day

When you have a busy day ahead, you need energy to keep you on your toes. While a cup of coffee can be enough to get you in gear in the morning, it won’t last all day long. That’s where superfoods to give you more energy come in hand.

That mid-morning slump, mid-afternoon slump, or lurking groggyness no matter the time of day, can really take you off your game. Too often, people reach for energy drinks and sugary snacks to keep them awake and energized. But guess what? Some of the most powerful foods come from nature.

“Superfood” is a term used to refer to foods that are much higher in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, electrolytes, and phytonutrients. They’re void of added sugars, harmful processed fats, and chemical additives.

The following list of superfoods, from fruits and vegetables to fish, are packed with things like protein, slow-digesting carbohydrates, and healthy fats. They’ll give you long-lasting energy, so you won’t have that crash feeling like you get from a sugary processed granola bar.

The post 10 Sensational Superfoods To Give You More Energy Throughout The Day appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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