Saturday, February 3, 2018

52 Quick Weight Loss Foods

Just a few years ago, I was struggling to lose weight. Let me set the scene for you: My friends and I were going out and drinking…a lot. My pantry was full of Cheez-its and M&M’s, which I snacked on…a lot. My week days were crammed with work on top of work, leading to me eating unhealthy foods…a lot. My tummy was getting bigger and more bloated, which I hated…a lot. And, worst of all, my self-esteem was at an all time low, which I DREADED…a lot. If only I had some quick weight loss foods in my arsenal.

My self confidence could have easily been lifted had I done a few simple things:

  • Stopped reaching for unhealthy snacks throughout the day
  • Stopped buying those unhealthy snacks and meals
  • Stopped drinking so many sugary, alcoholic drinks

Since I was still working out 5-6 times a week, it was my diet that was harming my mind and body. I used to tell myself that I had to snack on pre-packaged foods during the week because I didn’t have enough time to make myself something more nutritious. I also used to tell myself that I had to eat those certain unhealthy pre-packaged foods as snacks because they were all I had in my pantry. On top of that, I used the same excuses for the unhealthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners I was filling up on.

I kept making up bad excuses for myself when I really could have simply used the time that I was out drinking with my girl friends and buying unhealthy foods to buy healthier snacks and meals, and to prepare more nutritious ones using whole foods.

Now that I started to do just that, I am no longer struggling to lose weight. I’ve actually lost the weight I was trying to lose, AND I feel amazing! My week days are still just as long, but I now don’t feel completely drained by the end of the day. I can thank my healthy, energizing snacks and quick, nutritious meals for that.

Read on to discover 52 Quick Weight Loss Foods that can help you to get to the point that I’m now at: happier and healthier! These foods provide different factors that expedite weight loss, such as high-fiber content and low-calorie content. These foods, therefore, help you lose weight in a very different way than fad diets help you lose weight. Unlike such fad diets, by consuming these foods, you will lose the weight and keep it off too!

1. Avocado

Although this list is by no means in any particular order, I couldn’t help but choose to place avocado as the first food. I love a good avocado pun, but I love eating avocados even more! They have so many great health benefits, make food look ten times prettier, and they’re also always the yum factor in recipes. What’s not to love?

If you can still think of a reason not to love avocados, take avocados’ weight loss factors into consideration:

  • They curb overeating (thanks to their fiber content)
  • They burn belly fat (thanks to their healthy fat content)
  • They can replace an ingredient that does not aid in weight loss: butter

Now that you believe me when I say that you should eat avocados, here are some delicious recipes for you to try in order to do so: Easy On-the-Go Avocado and Egg Breakfast Sandwich, Grilled Avocado & Peach Salad, Dark Chocolate Avocado Brownies.

2. Apple

Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancake Recipe

Grabbing an apple and running out the door is something that I do almost every day! They truly are the quickest weight loss snack–especially if you’re always on the move like me!

On top of being quick in the sense that you can make it a snack quickly, apples are also high-fiber foods, which promote losing weight quickly. When you’re not in a rush, but still want to rush your weight loss journey, I highly recommend trying out our Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes. They make for the best breakfast for both adults and kids!

3. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is so high in protein that after eating it, it keeps you full for hours on hours. This high protein intake helps you to stay away from overeating during the day. I tend to eat Greek yogurt for breakfast on busy days when I know I won’t get to eat for a while. It always helps me to feel full and stay away from any unhealthy snacks in nearby vending machines and what not.

The weight loss food is also known to prevent bloating and inflammation while also containing vitamin B12, probiotics (which are great for gut health), and calcium. Our Berry and Chia Yogurt Parfait is one of my go-to Greek yogurt breakfasts!

4. Almonds

Many people try to stay away from them when trying to lose weight because they’re so high in calories. What those people don’t know is that almonds are another delicious, nutritious food that promotes weight loss due to their high fiber and high protein contents. The calories in almonds are beneficial to weight loss because with them, come vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to curb unhealthy cravings. 

Almonds are great for weight loss as long as you don’t overeat them! Then again, that rule applies to all foods. You can get an appropriate amount of almonds in by making and eating our Spiced Coconut Tomato Soup with Brown Rice, Almonds and Paneer or our Peach, Cherry, and Almond Overnight Oats.

5. Chia Seeds

Once again, the high amount of fiber in this food allows it to qualify as a weight loss food. I love incorporating chia seeds into my breakfasts since eating high fiber foods for breakfast has been proven to aid in weight loss. Some ways in which I like to do this are by topping my Greek yogurt bowls with chia seeds and by adding them to peanut butter banana toast as well! On top of these simple ways to get some chia seeds in, we also have yummy recipes that call for them. Some of these recipes include:

6. Oatmeal

Who doesn’t love a big, hot bowl of oatmeal when it’s cold outside? I know I do!

Every snow day, I look forward to cozying up on my couch with a bowl of one of our oatmeal recipes (Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Oatmeal, Baked Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal, and Triple Berry Baked Oatmeal are just a few of my favorites) for more reasons than one.

The most obvious reason I love cozying up with oatmeal is that it tastes amazing! Another is that there are so many different oatmeal recipes–I just never get bored of it!

Another reason why I love oatmeal is that it keeps me full for so much longer than any other breakfast food, and it keeps me energized too. I have oatmeal’s fiber and healthy calories to thank for that!

The post 52 Quick Weight Loss Foods appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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