Monday, March 12, 2018

This Body Weight HIIT Workout Will Fast Track Your Weight Loss Goals!

So you’ve been spending hours at the gym, and you’re still not seeing the results you want. Not fun! But don’t worry, there is a solution. You can spend less time at the gym if you maximize your workouts with interval training. This body weight HIIT workout gets you results in just a fraction of the time.

The benefits of interval training might be greater than you think. First of all, interval training is effective at burning fat. This is probably its best-known benefit and the reason why it has become so popular among trainers.

Even before its recent surge in popularity, interval training was being used by athletes everywhere to get results faster. With HIIT, you can lower your body fat percentage using short workouts. No hour-long treadmill sessions required!

One reason interval training is so incredibly effective is that it continues to burn calories at an elevated rate for up to 24 hours. Your body feels the effects of your workout for the whole day. Hell yeah, metabolism boost!

Another reason interval training has become popular is that many people find it easier to stick with long-term than regular cardio. If you just run on the treadmill, you might grow bored of your workouts and the monotonous movement.

HIIT challenges your whole body during the bursts of intense activity, which means you have to stay present and committed throughout your workout. You can’t zone out like you do with running and biking.

Additionally, since HIIT packs a more intense workout into a shorter period of time, it’s an easier commitment for busy people. If you work full-time or simply have a lot going on, HIIT might be the workout for you! As a mom or student, it’s a lot easier to fit a 30-minute HIIT session in your day than a two-hour strength training workout.

Finally, the greatest reason why you should try HIIT is that it works. Despite being a shorter time commitment, research has shown that HIIT delivers all the same benefits as a regular workout. It builds lean strength, improves muscular endurance, boosts aerobic capacity, and helps preserve heart health.

Whether your goal is to maintain health, lose weight, or improve athletic conditioning, HIIT might be the most efficient way to do it. It doubles as strength training and cardio, delivering a total-package workout in a fraction of the time.

This body weight HIIT workout is specifically designed to maximize weight loss efforts. It’s not a long workout, but it is challenging, requiring 100% commitment.

We suggest doing this workout two or three times per week. On alternate days you can find, other HIIT routines (this High-Intensity HIIT for Abs is a good one!) or you can add strength training with this Arms that Slay: Weight Lifting Plan for Beginners. You can also try yoga or pilates to improve balance and flexibility.

The Workout-

What You’ll Need: a gym timer (free apps are available for download), and an optional mat or towel to lay on the floor.

What to Do: Perform each exercise for 40 seconds with 20-second breaks in between exercises. Complete all the moves, rest for 60 seconds, and repeat for a total of 5 rounds.

Below, we’ve included videos showing how to do each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.

1. Squat Jump
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Right)
4. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick (Left)
5. Bicycle Crunch

Squat Jump

Mountain Climbers

Reverse Lunge with Front Kick

Bicycle Crunch

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