Sunday, March 11, 2018

21-Day Tone Your Body Challenge

Are you ready to get back on the fitness wagon? We sure are! Get started with this 21-Day Tone Your Body Challenge.

It happens that we periodically fall off the bandwagon. Life gets in the way. The holidays come around. We go through stressful situations where dieting and fitness simply can’t be our top priority.

But don’t worry. It doesn’t matter how many times you fall off, you can always get back on. Get back into a solid workout routine using this 3-week plan that balances cardio, upper body, and lower body workouts.

If you want to turn fitness back into a habit, you have to stick to the plan every single day. That means dragging yourself to the gym even when you don’t feel like it, and pushing yourself to complete each and every workout. If you don’t give 100%, you won’t see 100% of the results.

But, don’t worry. You’ll have plenty of recovery time scheduled in. Every four days, you’ll get a no-workout rest day. This is the time for your muscles to recuperate and gain strength. If you’re feeling sore, you can speed up the recovery process with a 10 – 20 minute stretching session.

We recommend these 10 Essential Stretches for Runners and Stretch it Out: Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility.

And of course, don’t forget that abs are made in the kitchen. If you want thinner thighs and a flat stomach, you have to eat a balanced diet that’s high in protein and low in empty calories.

Here are some general guidelines to follow throughout the 21-Day Tone Your Body Challenge:

  • Limit added sugars and refined carbs. This means all candy, sugary drinks, and products made with flour (bread, tortillas, pasta, etc.). You don’t have to completely cut them out of your diet, but the lower you get your refined carb consumption, the better your body will be at weight loss.
  • Eat about 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight. For a person that weighs 150 lb., this means 150g of protein. Good sources of protein include lean chicken, non-fat Greek yogurt, eggs, lentils, and fish.
  • Consume 25 – 30 grams of fiber per day. Fiber is important for maintaining proper digestion. Additionally, it helps you feel full for longer so that you’re less likely to reach for the snacks. Good sources of fiber include: vegetables, fruits, and oatmeal.
  • Pay attention to serving sizes. You don’t have to eliminate your favorite foods from your diet. A sustainable diet isn’t about depriving yourself. Instead, the most important element is that you pay attention to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating. Read nutrition labels, measure out serving sizes, and always check that you’re not eating more calories than you should.

As long as you follow the general healthy eating guidelines, and you stick to the workout plan, you should be seeing results after the 21 days. Try it out and let us know how it went in the comments!

Download the calendar to get started!

21-Day Tone Your Body Challenge

1 – HIIT The Treadmill
2 – Legs for Days
3 – Arms that Slay
4 – REST
5 – HIIT The Treadmill
6 – 30-Minute Lower Body Cardio
7 – Arms that Slay

8 – REST
9 – HIIT The Treadmill
10 – Legs for Days
11 – Arms that Slay
12 – REST
13 – HIIT The Treadmill
14 – 30-Minute Lower Body Cardio

15 – Arms that Slay
16 – REST
17 – HIIT The Treadmill
18 – Legs for Days
19 – Arms that Slay
20 – REST
21 – HIIT The Treadmill

The post 21-Day Tone Your Body Challenge appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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