Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Kroger’s Newest Technology Could Change Grocery Shopping as We Know It

When it comes to grocery shopping, we haven’t quite gone 100% high tech yet (though we do like these grocery list apps!). But that’s about to change at Kroger stores.

Looking to integrate technology into stores, Kroger is releasing Kroger Edge. Set to be installed in almost 200 stores by the end of 2018, this system will incorporate digital screens where paper pricing information currently sits. These screens will display nutritional information, pricing, video ads and even coupons.

Currently the technology is being tested in a handful of stores using one of Kroger’s handheld devices, but smartphone communication is on the horizon. Once fully integrated, this technology can help shoppers as they move throughout the store.

“If you are standing in front of nutrition bars and you are gluten-free, we would highlight for you, in your color of choice, which of the gluten-free bars are good for you,” Kroger Chief Information Officer Chris Hjelm told Business Insider in an interview.

Kroger Edge will even have the ability to communicate between a shopping list stored on your device and the shelf lighting up underneath the product you need while you browse the aisles, so you’ll spend less time looking for what peanut butter brand you prefer. Psst…You can find out which peanut butter we liked best here.

Not located near a Kroger? Kroger is marketing and selling the technology, developed with Microsoft Azure, to other grocery stores globally, so you may find it in a store near you. Until this update rolls out, we’ll rely on our expertly organized grocery list.

The post Kroger’s Newest Technology Could Change Grocery Shopping as We Know It appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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