Saturday, March 31, 2018

Wondering How to Hull a Strawberry? This is the Easiest Way

Strawberries are one of my favorite summertime treats. When they’re in season, they boast a bright red exterior and the sweetest flesh. They make a perfect little snack and a brilliant addition to salsas and sauces. But, those green tops aren’t exactly tasty. While they make a nice handle when dipping strawberries for a snack, the tops do need to be removed before using strawberries for any other use. It got me to thinking about how to hull a strawberry so I could save the most amount of fruit.

In the past, I’ve simply cut off the top 1/4-inch or so to remove the calyx (the green, leafy top of the strawberry). This is easy enough – and it can certainly be done quickly – because all you’re doing is cutting straight down on a cutting board. You can even do a few at a time! But this really isn’t the best way because you lose a lot of perfectly good fruit in the process. Certainly, there had to be a better way.

The Precise Way – Using a Paring Knife

Some people swear that the best way is to get in there with a small paring knife and carefully cut out the green parts. It’s true that this way sacrifices much less edible fruit and it keeps the strawberry whole and intact. If you’re careful and have good precision with the knife, you might not lose any flesh at all! But, this way takes a really long time because you have to be so careful, so I kept looking for an easier way.

Then, I found out about the straw method. This way is not only quick and easy, but it’s also a very safe way to remove both the white hull and the green strawberry top. Since you’re not using a sharp knife, it’s also a great way to involve the kids! It requires a little bit of practice to get the technique down, but it’s really easy once you get the hang of it.


How To Hull a Strawberry Using a Straw

To hull a strawberry using a straw, hold the strawberry in one hand while holding a straw in the other. Insert the straw into the bottom of the strawberry. Push up with gentle force, aiming towards the green top of the strawberry. The straw will emerge, taking the green top off with it.

As you can imagine, the straw method does poke a hole through the entire strawberry. While it’s our favorite way it might not be ideal if you can’t stand the thought of a hole-filled strawberry for presentation purposes. If you’re slicing the strawberry into halves or quarters (or dicing them), it shouldn’t matter too much!

If you want to leave the strawberry whole, take advantage of the hole in the center. For a super sweet treat, taking a piping bag (or a regular Ziploc bag with the corner cut off) and fill your hulled strawberries with your favorite filling. Go sweet with sugar-whipped cream cheese or savory with nut butters or Nutella. You could even dip them in chocolate afterward if you want to make an especially fancy treat.

Does it seem weird that the solution to how to hull a strawberry doesn’t involve a knife? We encourage you to give it a try and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

The expert tips and tricks don’t stop with strawberries! Subscribe to our Pinterest page to get inspired, or follow us on Instagram and Facebook. If you’re looking for the ideas to come to you, sign up for the newsletter. The latest SkinnyMs news (along with fun tips, tricks, and new recipes) will be emailed directly to your inbox!

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4-Ingredient Protein Pancakes

For me, pancakes are weekend food. Saturday mornings, weekend brunch, maybe a little post-going out midnight diner fare. Either way, pancakes are a decadent, indulgent breakfast that I love, but can’t usually justify eating on a more than once in a while basis. But what if pancakes were actually healthy? What if they were so healthy, in fact, that you could eat them as a pre-workout breakfast? Allow these 4 ingredient protein pancakes to change everything you know about your favorite breakfast.

Pancakes Meet Protein

Being a pancake lover and health-food enthusiast isn’t mutually exclusive. There are plenty of healthy, clean-eating pancake recipes out there, (and more than a few of them here on SkinnyMs).

While plenty of recipes have found ways to make pancakes lighter and cleaner, this recipe goes the extra mile. These protein pancakes kick things up a notch by starting your day off with a hearty dose of (what else) protein.

While I am a huge pancake fan, I rarely enjoy eating heavy meals at breakfast. Typically, a sweet and decadent pancake breakfast leaves me feeling full and sluggish all day after.

These 4 ingredient protein pancakes have pretty much the opposite effect. Not only are they light enough to fill you up without leaving you overfull, but they also pack the kind of ingredients that get you energized and ready to go. With protein powder and potassium rich bananas, these pancakes are a perfect pre-workout breakfast. Even if you’re not planning on running any marathons today, this breakfast will get you focused and energized for whatever your day has in store.

Just 4 Ingredients

Even if you’re not just reaching for the box of Bisquick, pancakes are usually pretty simple to make. Mix, pour, flip. This healthy recipe is no different.

So, what are the 4 ingredients in these 4 ingredient protein pancakes? Well, I gave two of them away already. These pancakes get most of their flavor, texture, and impressive nutritional profile from mashed bananas and vanilla protein powder (We used Tera’s Vanilla Protein Powder, which is gluten free, low-carb, and tastes great.)

Just a quarter teaspoon of baking powder and 3 egg whites round out this super simple recipe. Just mix all ingredients, spray your skillet, pour, cook, and flip. This recipe will make about 8 pancakes, with a serving size of 2.

Complete this super healthy breakfast with some fresh fruit, I usually go with strawberries and bananas. If you’re looking to add a little extra natural sweetness, these pancakes are also great topped with honey or almond butter.

These 4 ingredient protein pancakes are easy and healthy enough for a weekday breakfast, but they taste like the indulgent Saturday morning pancakes you love. Whether you’re on the way to work, the gym, or starting off a lazy (but healthy) weekend, these pancakes are the perfect start to your day.

4 Ingredient Protein Pancakes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

4 Ingredient Protein Pancakes

Yields: 8 pancakes | Serving Size: 2 pancakes | Calories: 59 | Total Fat: 0g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 56mg | Carbohydrates: 9g | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 5g | Protein: 7g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 0


  • 1/2 cup mashed banana
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder (We used Tera's Protein Powder, Low-Carb & Gluten Free)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl until smooth
  2. Lightly spray a skillet with non-stick spray and heat on medium heat. Pour about 1/4 cup of the batter into the pan. Cook about 3 to 4 minutes, or until pancakes begin to bubble in the center. Carefully flip and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes. Once cooked, remove pancake from the pan and repeat the process until all the batter has been used. Spray the skillet as needed with non-stick spray in-between cooking the pancakes.
  3. Top with fresh fruit, honey, or your favorite nut butter! Enjoy!

More Clean Pancake Recipes:

Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes

More healthy, protein-packed pancakes with a warm, apple cinnamon flavor. With their warm, rich flavor, these pancakes make a great healthy weekend breakfast. A delicious way to pack a little extra protein into your Saturday morning.

Chocolate Chip Banana Pancakes

This vegan recipe makes pure indulgence healthy. These delicious, chocolatey banana pancakes taste just like lazy Saturday breakfast in bed, but they’re much healthier. A tasty breakfast indulgence that won’t throw your whole week off track.

We’ve got you covered from the first meal of the day to the last. Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for more healthy recipes. 

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Friday, March 30, 2018

21 Healthy Crock-Pot Recipes For Weight Loss

Healthy crock-pot recipes for weight loss are such a great option for anyone who has a busy lifestyle and just wants to come home to a clean dinner that will fill them up without adding to their waistline.

If you are tight on time, or have a family to feed, these delicious meals will do the trick!

1. Crockpot Skinny Lemon Chicken

Packed with 20 grams of protein and a mere 289 calories per serving, this crock-pot recipe will provide you with one guilt-free meal. The addition of lemon not only provides a touch of zest, but helps to keep you feeling full for longer.

2. Slow Cooker Red Lentil Curry

This red lentil curry is a soul-warming meal that’s packed with healthy ingredients, including lentils, which are a great source of protein and fiber. The dish is bursting with flavor thanks to the herbs and spices.

3. Crock Pot Baked Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a wonderful superfood that’s super delicious. This recipe features a mere two ingredients, has just 142 calories, and zero fat!

4. Slow Cooker Beef and Black Bean Stew

Love black beans? Good! They’re great for your weight loss goals because they are high in protein and have virtually no fat. This black bean stew is your go-to for a hearty meal that’s full of healthful ingredients, including lean protein.

5. Slow Cooker Spinach Artichoke Chicken

This slow cooker spinach and artichoke chicken recipe makes for an incredible dinner recipe to add to your healthy crock-pot recipes for weight loss. Along with being high in protein, the dish features garlic and spinach, both of which also aid in weight loss. The garlic, for instance, is rich in allicin, which lowers cholesterol and fats.

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Slow Cooker Vegan Gumbo Recipe

I come from a long line of cold, bitter New Englanders. But amidst the cold winters and general unfriendliness, my family has always had a soft spot for the south, especially southern cooking. My family loves everything from key lime pie to shrimp and grits. But more than any other dish, I remember growing up on gumbo.  It doesn’t get much more quintessentially southern than this Creole classic, and this clean, vegan gumbo recipe is a healthy way to enjoy southern comfort food.

As the official cuisine of Louisiana, gumbo is a classic New Orleans dish. Bold, spicy, and iconic, gumbo boasts as much rich cultural flavor and heritage as the city itself.

Rich in Flavor and Culture

Generally agreed to have originated in Louisiana in the eighteenth century, gumbo remains a cultural staple of the state. Today, the dish itself is often seen as a metaphor for the rich blend of cultures in that region. Indeed, gumbo recipes bear influence from French, Spanish, African, and indigenous cooking practices.

As with any dish this rich in cultural history, there’s no one “standard” gumbo recipe. That said, there are a few staple ingredients that no gumbo would be complete without. It would be tough to find any traditional Louisiana gumbo recipe without the “holy trinity” of vegetables: celery, onion, and bell pepper. Okra, a staple in African and African-American cooking, is another can’t-miss veggie you’ll find in nearly all gumbo recipes.

This slow-cooker vegan gumbo recipe has all the classic staples. This recipe also includes diced tomatoes and carrots for an extra-hearty veggie stew.

No Meat, No Problem

Traditionally, along with okra and the “holy trinity” veggies, gumbo also features some combination of meats and seafoods. Chicken, sausage, shrimp, and fish are some of the most common add-ins. However, this vegan gumbo recipe is an entirely meatless version of the classic dish. And trust me, you won’t miss the meat for a second. In this recipe we used asparagus but when okra is in season, we would recommend this veggie instead.

Instead of sausage and seafood, this slow-cooker vegan recipe adds kidney beans and mushrooms, turning mixed veggie soup into a thick and hearty stew. Meanwhile, this meatless recipe is definitely not hurting for protein. This mix of clean veggies and beans keeps things hearty, filling, and nutritious.

There’s no reason you can’t enjoy a bowl of this vegan gumbo all on its own as a stew. Traditionally, however, gumbo is served over rice. While white rice is often the go-to when it comes to southern cuisine, this clean recipe is best served over healthy brown rice.

This recipe is a healthy vegan twist on an iconic southern dish. Just as bold, flavorful, and filling as the Louisiana classic, this zesty recipe is a can’t miss for vegans, vegetarians, and casual Meatless Monday observers alike.

Slow-Cooker Vegan Gumbo Recipe

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 8 hours

Slow-Cooker Vegan Gumbo Recipe

Yields: 6 servings | Serving Size: 1/2 cup rice, 1 cup Gumbo | Calories: 261 | Total Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 0mg | Sodium: 892mg | Carbohydrates: 51g | Fiber: 13g | Sugar: 10g | Protein: 13g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 2


  • 1 yellow onion, chopped small
  • 1 green bell pepper, chopped small
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped small
  • 2 large carrots, peeled and chopped small
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 cups vegetable broth
  • 2 (15 ounce) can diced tomatoes
  • 2 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 1/2 cup chopped asparagus, or optional okra for a more traditional Gumbo
  • 1 1/2 cups mushrooms, cut into quarters
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons cajun seasoning
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme (not ground)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 cups brown rice, cooked
  • 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped


  1. Combine all ingredients, except tomato paste, rice, and parsley, in a slow cooker. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours.
  2. Stir in the the tomato past and cook for 30 minutes on high or until thickened.
  3. Spoon rice into serving bowls, ladle gumbo over rice and sprinkle parsley on top. Serve and enjoy!

More Vegan Soups and Stews:

Quick and Easy Black Bean and Lentil Soup

Creamy coconut milk turns this super healthy, totally vegan soup into rich and delicious winter comfort food. Meanwhile, black beans and lentils keep this meatless recipe high in protein, fiber, and tons of other vitamins and minerals.

Slow Cooker Vegetable Chili

A healthy and hearty all vegetable chili recipe. Loaded with beans, veggies, and bold and spicy chili flavors, it’s a must have recipe for any vegan or vegetarian cooking.

For more healthy recipes, vegan, vegetarian, and beyond, follow us on Pinterest and Instagram!

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How to Train for Your First Half Marathon

Have you always wanted to run a half marathon, but just don’t know where to start? Do you find yourself envious of the graceful runners that make it look effortless? I know I do! The thought of running long distance can seem incredibly overwhelming! Trust me, your body is capable of it, it’s your mind that you have to convince. The female body is capable of incredible things; We can do incredible things! In this article, we’re going to lay out a basic progression plan on how to train for your first half marathon! Are you ready?!

First Things, First

The first thing that you need to do is select the race that you want to run. This specific progression routine will take place over 16 weeks. That’s 4 months of practice. As I said before, the human body is an incredible machine and is highly adaptable. Making small changes week-by-week, will allow you to safely and effectively run your first half marathon! Once you’ve signed up for your race, you can get to training!

It’s important to keep in mind that you need to practice for the specific race that you’re running. This means that if the race takes place on flat ground, train on flat ground. If the race is in a hilly part of town, you’ll need to train with some incline. You don’t want to be caught off guard come race day!

16-Week Half Marathon Training Progression

This training program will require you to run 3 days a week, with 2 shorter runs on weekdays and one longer run on the weekend. For this program we’re going to say training days are Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday. It will slowly progress in total mileage as the weeks pass, but every 4 weeks will be a recovery week. The last 2-3 weeks will taper off into shorter runs in an effort to allow your body to be fully prepared for race day!

I want you to always give yourself a day in between runs, where you either rest or perform a lower impact form of cardio like biking or swimming for no more than 30 minutes. Don’t over do it! Rest is just as important as training. Each week, you also need to get 2 days (Monday/Wednesday) of strength training for your lower body and core. Low impact cardio can be done on the same day as strength training. As rest is extremely important to recovery, you must take at least 1 day off of all exercise, but preferably 2 (Friday/Sunday).

Let’s get started!

For weeks 1 through 4, if you’re a beginner, you should use a walk/run style of training. Try to walk for 30-60 seconds and then run for 30-60 seconds. Depending on whether or not it’s easy or hard for you, you can decrease or increase those increments of time.

Week 1: (5 Miles)

Monday: Strength Training – Legs

Tuesday: 1.5 Miles

Wednesday: Strength Training – Core

Thursday: 1.5 Miles

Saturday: 2 Miles

Week 2: (5.5 Miles)

Monday: Strength Training – Legs

Tuesday: 1.5 Miles

Wednesday: Strength Training – Core

Thursday: 1.5 Miles

Saturday: 2.5 Miles

Week 3: (6 Miles)

Monday: Strength Training – Legs

Tuesday: 1.5 Miles

Wednesday: Strength Training – Core

Thursday: 1.5 Miles

Saturday: 3 Miles

Week 4: Recovery Week (4.5 Miles)

Monday: Strength Training – Legs

Tuesday: 1.5 Miles

Wednesday: Strength Training – Core

Thursday: 1.5 Miles

Saturday: 1.5 Miles

Continued on the next page…

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

How Do I Stop Emotional Eating?

Comfort is something we all crave. We crave the comfort of warmth and fulfillment, and food can do both of those. And while food can be a great support system, it can also be your biggest setback. Foods that are high in carbohydrates, sugar, or fat simply taste delicious, but those same foods aren’t your health’s best friend. And when you’re using them to cope, it’s time to start asking: “How do I stop emotional eating?”

It may not always be very clear if you’re emotionally eating, but when you figure it out, you’re left wondering how you can overcome it. Thankfully, we have you covered with some simple-to-follow rules, tips, and tricks to better understand what’s causing you to reach for the cookies even when you’re not hungry, and how to make healthier choices once and for all.

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Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Move over, overnight oats. Cottage cheese bowls are the new trendy breakfast in town. Okay, okay, you can relax now. Overnight oats are still very much a thing. BUT, cottage cheese breakfast bowls are also a thing now, and I think you’re going to like them. If you’re looking for a healthy, delicious, and Insta-worthy way to start your day, definitely check out this cottage cheese breakfast bowl recipe.

The Trendiest Meal of the Day

I think most of us go through a phase, at some time or another, where we’re just not “breakfast people.”

Growing up, meals were always pretty regimented in my house. If you weren’t eating three square meals a day, something was definitely wrong with you.

When I finally had the freedom to eat on my own terms, breakfast all but went out the window, and I was secretly proud of my “just coffee for me, thanks” lifestyle.

I still don’t think anyone should feel beholden to any one specific eating schedule. Different people need and want to eat different amounts of food at different times. There’s no one size fits all when it comes to a healthy diet.

That said, I do think there’s something to the whole “most important meal of the day” thing. While there are times when I’m definitely still a “just coffee” person, I have been trying to find new ways to get excited about breakfast.

Fortunately, it seems like there is always a fun new breakfast trend around the corner. Recently, I feel like I’ve been seeing cottage cheese breakfast bowls everywhere. This sweet and simple cottage cheese breakfast bowl is my take on the trend.

Light Breakfast, Lots to Love

If you’re like me, what you’ll love most about cottage cheese breakfast bowls is all the stuff that goes into them.

I go crazy for anything with the potential for toppings or mix-ins. I’d almost always rather go out for fro-yo than ice cream just for the wider range of toppings.

When it comes to breakfast, I’m the same way. I love anything that offers a variety of flavors and textures. If you were a fan of the smoothie bowl trend or love a good multi-layer parfait, cottage cheese breakfast bowls are definitely for you.

This healthy cottage cheese breakfast bowl recipe has just a few simple ingredients that combine for a delicious and flavorful breakfast.

Starting with chopped walnuts drizzled in honey, this healthy breakfast bowl features non-fat cottage cheese and sweet, fresh raspberries. Finally, I top the whole thing off with a light dusting of cocoa powder. Cocoa and raspberry are one of my favorite flavor combos, and it’s a great, healthy way to satisfy any chocolate cravings that may sneak up on you.

This breakfast is healthy, delicious, and very on trend. Whether you’re searching for your next breakfast go-to or just trying to mix things up in the morning, this light and fresh cottage cheese breakfast bowl is definitely worth try.

Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl

Yields: 1 serving | Calories: 363 | Total Fat: 24g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 19mg | Sodium: 411mg | Carbohydrates: 24g | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 17g | Protein: 18g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 12


  • 1/4 cup walnuts, roughly chopped
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 1/2 cup nonfat part skim small curd cottage cheese
  • 1/4 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder


  1. Place the walnuts in the bottom of a bowl and drizzle with half of the honey. Spoon the cottage cheese on top and drizzle with remaining honey. Top with raspberries and dust cocoa powder on top. Enjoy!

More Breakfast Bowls:

Mango Chia Breakfast Bowl

A delicious Greek yogurt chia seed breakfast bowl complete with fresh fruit. This super nutritious breakfast is easy, quick, and will leave you full and energized all morning.

Lean, Green Protein Smoothie Bowl

Cottage cheese bowls may be here, but that doesn’t mean smoothie bowls are going anywhere. This delicious green smoothie bowl is a great way for those of us who prefer to eat our meals, not drink them, to cash in on all the high-protein green smoothie goodness.

Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for more recipes just as healthy as they are trendy.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

7-Day Clean Eating Survival Guide For Beginners

The best way to get healthy is by eating healthy. That may sound pretty easy and self-explanatory, but it was so hard for me to get started with it! If you’re starting out with a new clean-eating diet plan and you’re like me, you may find yourself overwhelmed at times. That’s okay, it’s totally normal and that’s why we created this 7-day clean eating survival guide for beginners. We take the stress out of starting your clean eating journey.

If you don’t have a food plan, you might find yourself stumbling along the way. You will need to cook almost everything you eat for the next 7 days, so being prepared is crucial to your success. In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes, we also included snacks in our 7-day clean eating survival guide for beginners. Give them a chance even if you’re not normally a snacker. These snacks will keep your cravings at bay and help you get through the first seven days of your new plan.

Without further ado, here are our favorite clean eating meals. We recommend mixing and matching the meals so you can choose how things will best work for you. You don’t have to use them all – you can choose to repeat some of the recipes, if you like, to cut down on your grocery shopping list.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Sneak some fruits or vegetables into your breakfast routine to kick of clean-eating in the right way. You’ll also want some fiber from chia seeds or whole grains (like oats) and some protein from yogurt or nut butter to keep you going.

1. Banana with Clean Eating Almond Butter

2. Zucchini Bread with Blueberry Jam

3. Mango Orange Smoothie

4. Raspberry Oat Bars

5. Refrigerator Oatmeal

6. Chia Seed Berry Yogurt Smoothie 

7. Strawberry, Almond Butter, and Oatmeal Breakfast Parfait


If you don’t have time to make lunch, make a double batch of your dinner recipe so you have leftovers for the next day. Sometimes, leftovers can derail us, though. If you get bored, you might reach for an unhealthy choice! Almost all of these recipes can be made the night before, too, if that makes life easier.

1. Chicken Fried Rice

2. Taco Salad

3. Loaded Grilled Chicken Nachos

4. Nut Butter and Jam Sandwich

5. Clean Eating Grilled Cheese Sandwich

6. Summer Salad with Clean Eating Buttermilk Dressing

7. Cobb Salad


Dinner can be the most calorie-dense meal of the day, but that doesn’t mean it has to be unhealthy. Reach for comforting foods like cheesy mac and pizza if that helps you keep to clean eating. All of these recipes are clean versions of your classic favorites.

1. Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken

2. Clean Eating Jalapeno Popper Mac and Cheese

3. Whole Wheat Tortillas with Mushroom Fajitas with Lentils

4. Pizza Lasagna Rolls

5. Chipotle Burgers

6. BBQ Chicken Pizza

7. Slow Cooker Pork Tacos


Snacks are the perfect way to get you through the day without cheating. They can give you something to look forward to during midday, too! We like eating lots of vegetables in our snacking routine, but we also like protein-rich snacks like deviled eggs and chicken salad.

1. Oven Roasted Mushrooms

2. Deviled Eggs

3. Vegetable Fritters

4. Clean Eating Mexican Corn on the Cob

5. Chicken Salad

6. Banana Apple Bread

7. Summer Gazpacho

The clean eating recipes don’t stop here! We have more delicious recipes on our Facebook and Pinterest pages. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest SkinnyMs news!

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Easy Vegan Eggplant Parmesan Over Quinoa

Long before the eggplant emoji made the aubergine the most suggestive of all fruits (yes, fruits), I always thought of eggplant parmesan as a romantic meal. Elegant cuisine that isn’t as heavy as most Italian dishes, eggplant parm is a perfect date night meal. This super easy vegan eggplant parmesan over quinoa is a delicious clean recipe that makes your favorite Italian food diet friendly.

Italian food has always been my all time favorite. From mom’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs to authentic gnocchi and tiramisu, I love just about everything Italian cuisine has to offer.

Of course, while Italian food is famously delicious, it is also infamously unhealthy. Often loaded with carbs and calories, piled high with heavy sauces, creams, and cheese, it can be tough to fit Italian food into a healthy diet.

That’s why I love finding vegan versions of my favorite Italian meals. Of course, “vegan” is not universally synonymous with “healthy.” But it’s true that vegan cooking is often an easier way to stay on top of your clean eating goals.

As far as Italian fare goes, eggplant parm is usually a lighter option to begin with. Make it vegan, and you’ve got a completely guilt-free meal. This easy vegan eggplant parmesan over quinoa recipe really kicks things up a notch for a light and clean Italian dinner.

Making vegan eggplant parm is actually pretty easy. While some dishes require lots of substitutions for a vegan version, eggplant parm is already over halfway there. Almond milk and vegan cheese are really the only two ingredients you’ll need to swap in. The rest of the ingredients are pretty standard.

The vegan parmesan cheese used in this dish is super easy to make. So save yourself a trip to any overpriced specialty food stores by just making this simple five-minute recipe at home. Dairy-free and paleo-friendly, this cashew based “cheese” is also simple and delicious. This vegan cheese is a must-have in this eggplant parm recipe, but it’s also great sprinkled on any of your favorite dishes.

Sometimes cooking with eggplant can be intimidating. It’s such a unique ingredient, and cooking with it for the first time can feel like foreign territory. But this recipe actually makes this dish super simple. With only fifteen minutes to prep and thirty to cook, it’s easy enough to throw together on a weeknight. Meanwhile, it’s also elegant enough for special occasion or date night meal.

While many eggplant parm recipes serve this dish over pasta, I recommend serving over quinoa to complete this light, healthy dinner. Enjoy with a glass of red wine for a romantic evening in!

Easy Vegan Eggplant Parmesan Over Quinoa

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Easy Vegan Eggplant Parmesan Over Quinoa

Yields: 6 servings | Calories: 249 | Total Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 394mg | Carbohydrates: 42g | Fiber: 8g | Sugar: 9g | Protein: 8g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 7


  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup whole wheat Panko bread crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons vegan parmesan cheese
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup plain almond milk
  • 1 large eggplant, sliced into 1/4 inch circles
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 3 cups cooked quinoa, cook according to package instructions
  • 1 1/2 cups hot marinara sauce, no-sugar added


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  2. Place the whole wheat flour in a small bowl and mix with half of the Italian seasoning and salt. In a second small blow, place the Panko and mis with the vegan parmesan, the remaining Italian seasoning and salt. Last, place the almond milk in a third small bowl.
  3. Dip each circle of eggplant into the flour. Next, dip in to the milk, and last dip the eggplant into the panko mixture making sure the eggplant is covered each time it’s dipped. Once coated, place the eggplant onto the prepared baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and bake for 6 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and turn over and cook another 5 minutes or until the second side is golden.
  4. Spoon the quinoa into serving dishes and place the eggplant on top. Pour the marinara on top. Top with additional vegan parmesan cheese if desired.

More Eggplant Recipes:

Mediterranean Grilled Eggplant Burgers

A delicious meatless burger option perfect for summer grilling. Complete with feta and a Greek yogurt sauce, this burger bursts with Mediterranean flavor.

Eggplant Lasagna

Another healthy and delicious twist on classic Italian comfort food. This healthy eggplant lasagna replaced noodles with thinly sliced eggplant for a lighter twist on a delicious favorite.

Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, and don’t forget to also sign up for our Newsletter!

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