Friday, December 1, 2017

5 Calorie-Torching Moves to do While Watching TV

We all have those days where, judging by the extra insulation you packed on from holiday indulging, or out-of-shape endurance that’s causing you to ditch the stairs for the elevator, you know it’s time to hit the gym. But when your busy schedule frees up some time to squeeze in exercise, it’s all too tempting to spend that time lounging on the couch in front of the TV. And guess what? You shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting to catch your fave shows when you get some free time! In fact, with your hectic schedule and seemingly endless list of responsibilities, you deserve to veg out and channel your inner couch potato to its fullest.

But if working out ranks high on your list of priorities and you wish combining TV time with exercise was a thing, you’re in luck. Here at SkinnyMs., we’ve grouped up a list of calorie-torching, strength-building exercises you can power through while catching up on your shows. These moves, although fat burning and effective, aren’t vigorous enough to distract you from those valuable plotlines. And if they do, you’ll still benefit from performing these exercises during commercial breaks! So for TV and movie lovers who still want to stay super fit, these awesome exercises have you covered.

1. Planks

The exercise proves itself just as (if not more!) effective as sit-ups. Meanwhile, planks are performed in a held position, so you keep your body still while working your core and sculpting a set of steel abs. The stillness lets you shift your attention away from the burn, and towards the commotion occurring on screen. You can literally plank anywhere, and before you know it, you’ve squeezed in a powerful core workout without missing your fave show!

Pro tip: time yourself and see how long you can hold your plank position. After resting, do a couple more sets and try to beat your previous time!

2. Lunges

Ah lunges- the notoriously tedious (yet effective!) exercise might not be one you look forward to; however, powering through them regularly definitely yields some impressive results. Lunges work your hamstrings and calves while sculpting an amazing booty, and doing them while watching some good TV can make it easier to complete a set.

3. Jumping Jacks

This one’s a classic. Amp up your heart rate and torch calories by doing as many jumping jacks as fast as you can during commercial breaks. When your show returns, your system will continue to burn calories at lightening speed during your recovery. Commercial jacks are an awesome way to squeeze in some major cardio!

If standard jumping jacks bore you and fail to yield results, shake up your jacks with this high-intensity Jazzed up Jacks and Jumps Tabata Workout! 

The post 5 Calorie-Torching Moves to do While Watching TV appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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