Wednesday, October 3, 2018

7 Tips On Meal Planning With A Bullet Journal

Did you know that you can do meal planning with a bullet journal? Yes, in addition to planning out your appointments and tracking your daily habits, you can use the same system to plan out your meals and build your grocery lists. It’s a great way to get organized and keep yourself on track with your weight-loss goals! If you’re new to using your bullet journal, check out our complete guide here that will help you get set up and ready to rock.

Once you have your bullet journal all set up, there are a few different ways you can set it up. Meal planning with a bullet journal is just like the rest of the journal uses – it’s completely customizable and can be accomplished any way you like! Get fancy with colored pencils and stickers or keep it simple with pencils and check marks. No matter how you do it, the important thing is that you use your meal planning with a bullet journal on a consistent and regular basis.

1. Try Out a Few Different Ways

This is my favorite part of the bullet journal – you can try a few things out before you decide on your hard-and-fast logging method. Look on Pinterest to see what other people are doing and try a few different layouts. Then, decide which one worked the best for you! Maybe it’s planning the meal on one page and including the grocery list on the next page. Perhaps it’s including the plan on the same page where you record your meals and workouts. Meal plans could also all live on one master page so you can see all the meals for the month.

No matter what you decide, you’ll probably find it helpful to try a few different methods to see what’s easiest for you. Once you find a way you like, stick with it and be consistent.

2. Try Using Post-It Notes

If you need to be flexible and move your meal plans around, try using Post-It Notes. This will allow you to plan out your week but swap the daily meals if the needs arises. Most people do this by writing out the meal plan for the week on the left hand side of the page. Then, on the right side of the page, list the days of the week and attach a Post-It note with the meal’s name to each day. If the week goes as planned, great! If not, simply move the Post-Its around from day-to-day.

You can also use Post-It notes to reuse your meal planning page. Simply write the meal names on a Post-It and place them in the slots for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. You can also use a large Post-It note for your grocery list, too.

3. Keep a List of Ideas

Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a page that serves as a source of inspiration for the coming weeks. That’s where a master list of ideas will come in handy. Jot them down as you think of them, and use the page as often as you like when you’re coming up with your weekly meal plan.

I like to separate out my ideas on the page by meal – breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert. I’ve also tried sorting them by category – chicken, pork, vegetarian, pasta, soup, casserole, etc. Play around with different organization techniques until you find one that works for you.

4. Don’t Be Afraid of Simplicity

If you search Pinterest for sample layouts for meal planning with a bullet journal, you’ll find a dizzying array of fancy and colorful results. This is great if you’re artsy, but you can also keep things as simple as you like. You don’t even need to create a weekly grid if you don’t want to! The simplest way to lay out your meal plan is to list B, L, D, S (for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack) down one side of the page. Repeat this list seven times and you’ll have the week ready to plan!

5. Include a Grocery List

Including a space for your grocery list just makes a ton of sense. It will help you stay organized and on track when you’re at the grocery store (so you won’t buy any of those miscellaneous items you don’t really need). You’ll end up saving money in the long run because you’ll buy the proper amount of food. You’ll also be less likely to run out last-minute to get something you forgot.

6. Consult Your Weekly List Before Meal Planning

If you have an exceptionally busy week coming up, you’ll want to know about it before you start meal planning. It doesn’t make sense to plan a time-consuming meal on a night where you have after-work activities. On those weeks, look ahead and plan to make freezer meals or dishes that result in leftovers. If you have a light week coming up, you might want to restock your freezer or make a more time-consuming dish that you’ve been wanting for a while.

7. Create Theme Nights

If you’re having trouble meal planning with a bullet journal, consider making theme nights. For example, the themes could look like Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, Casserole Wednesday, Leftovers Thursday, Pizza Night Friday, Breakfast for Dinner Saturday, and Soup Sunday. Now, instead of having to think of what to make for dinner each night, all you need to do is find something that fits the category. It might help you get started in the beginning if meal planning is new for you.

We consider ourselves more than just an authority on nutrition and weight-loss: we’re part of a community of like-minded individuals who want to improve their life by making healthy choices! Become part of our family today by following us on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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