Wednesday, October 17, 2018

3 Simple Ways to Fix Your Posture

Dealing with daily aches and pains can be a hassle, no doubt. However, a chunk of these issues can be solved if you’re more mindful about your posture. With a few tips and tricks you can start implementing today, you’ll find simple ways to fix your posture and be on your way to better overall health!

Full disclosure: even as a NASM-certified personal trainer, these are things I have to be mindful about! I still find myself slouching and hunched over my desk while I work. Posture is something that’s incredibly easy to get lazy about, especially since the adverse side effects take longer to manifest. But having good posture can help reverse lower back problems, alleviate pressure on your joints, and even strengthen supporting muscles in your body. By utilizing these techniques for a few minutes a day, good posture is more attainable than ever!

1. Strengthen your core

You core (which is essentially your torso) is what stabilizes your entire body. Strengthening those muscles, like the ones found in your abdomen and back, will help to straighten your spine and keep your body erect. This will lead to better posture and take pressure off of your lumbar, a problem than over 80% of Americans deal with. Try this 20-Minute Core Workout to start building up those muscles in a fast and effective way!

2. Be mindful while you work

Since most of your day likely involves sitting in the office, take advantage of this time to improve your posture. A sedentary lifestyle can be detrimental to posture, but don’t worry just yet. Sitting on a stability ball will engage your core muscles while you work. It forces you to keep your back straight in order to sit upright, again engaging those core muscles. It also improves balance, which is a key factor in posture, especially in advanced age. Plus, you get the added bonus of burning calories while sitting still!

3. Remember to stretch

After a workout or a long day at work, stretching is incredibly important. Elongating your muscles helps with flexibility and to strengthen the fibers and tendons that bind them together, which in turn helps with better muscle recovery. If static stretching seems boring, don’t worry—these 8 Yoga Poses to a Strong Core will keep your body engaged. Yoga also helps to improve flexibility, making your muscles less rigid, and in-turn allowing them to move easier and alleviate stiffness. Your posture is looking better already!

Small changes can make a big difference, and good posture will pay off in the long run. Being mindful of your body is another equally important part to health and wellness but is often overlooked or seen as being unnecessary. However, your entire fitness regimen will benefit from improved posture, making those days at the gym a little easier. By utilizing these simple ways to fix your posture, your body will be feeling better than ever.

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