Friday, July 6, 2018

The 3 Top Workout Playlists You Need In Your Life

Sometimes working out is so easy. You just feel the energy building up inside of you, and need to get it out! Other times, it takes all your might to get going. That’s when you need these 3 top workout playlists to get moving!
It’s surprising how little things can motivate you: a new pair of sneakers, a matching get-up, a new workout class. But sometimes you start, and find all that fun energy quickly depleted. Your mind goes elsewhere. You start thinking about how hard your run is, how much time you have left.
That’s when you need music to get yourself movin’ and groovin’. And don’t be surprised if once you turn up the tunes your pace increases.
Research has found that music with a strong beat help’s people’s movements to stay steady during their workout.
Scientists have been enamored over the effects of music for quite sometime, and their research has led to some noteworthy discoveries, including its ability to help you improve your math skills, improve your mood, and help you move your legs a little harder.
One study had a dozen college students ride stationary bikes and listen to six different songs. The researchers found that the participants’ exertion levels altered when the same songs were played 10%  faster, and 10% slower. When the songs were sped up, the students worked harder, and when the songs were slowed down, the students chilled out on their ethic.
And another study found that music is capable of improving athletic focus, as it distracts you from such things as your nerves, or a judgmental audience, therefore boosting your performance.
And just to give you one more reason to try out these 3 top workout playlists, another study found that listening to music boosts cognitive levels and verbal fluency skills in people diagnosed with coronary artery disease.

Considering coronary artery disease has been linked to a decline in cognitive abilities, the study’s results are worth taking seriously.

So without further ado, let’s help you see some serious results from your workouts with these top 3 workout playlists that are sure to make you faster and stronger.

The post The 3 Top Workout Playlists You Need In Your Life appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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