Friday, July 13, 2018

6-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Your Guide to a Slim & Sexy Body

Belonging to a gym can be great, but it’s most definitely not required for you to get fit! Your body is the only workout tool that you’ll ever need. Following this 6-week bodyweight workout plan will allow you to burn fat, tone-up, and become more comfortable in your own skin!

An all too common excuse for not working out is, “I just don’t have enough time.” A bodyweight workout plan comes with the added bonus of being able to perform it just about anywhere, at anytime! NO MORE EXCUSES!

Most of the workouts in this plan will take fewer than 20 minutes. You can wake up 20 minutes earlier, complete your workout on your lunch break, or even watch 20 fewer minutes of television at night! It doesn’t matter when you do it, as long as you get it done.

The second most overused excuse for skipping a workout is, “I’m too tired.” Exercise has actually been proven to provide you with more energy and focus. This occurs because exercise increases blood flow, thus getting more oxygen and nutrients to the brain and muscles.

This 6-week plan takes the best muscle-sculpting exercises and combines them with heart-pounding, fat-burning moves! It’s going to be challenging, but nothing worth having comes easy! You can do this, girl! Let’s get it started!

The Routine

This challenge requires you to workout 6 days per week. We’ve selected Sunday as your rest day, however you can feel free to adjust it to make it fit your own schedule. Some workouts will be focused on a particular muscle group while others will be higher-intensity fat-burners! Don’t worry though, it’s going to be FUN! After 6-weeks you’re going to feel fitter, healthier, and sexier than ever!

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Making changes to your lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and dedication. Commit to completing this 6-week bodyweight workout plan. You can make incredible progress in 6 weeks and the time is going to pass anyway. You might as well make it count!

A proper diet is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. Try this Whole 30 Meal Plan or one of these Meal-Planning Apps that make eating healthy, easier than ever!

For more healthy lifestyle tips, recipes and workouts, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

The post 6-Week Bodyweight Workout Plan: Your Guide to a Slim & Sexy Body appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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