Monday, July 2, 2018

6 Healthy Eating Habits All Nutritionists Have

6 Healthy Eating Habits All Nutritionists Have

Figuring out the best healthy eating plan is never an easy conquest. With countless diets and programs out there, it’s almost impossible to find out which one is best for you. Which begs the question: what are nutritionists doing to eat healthy?

I am always so overwhelmed by my social media feeds touting the latest “miracle ingredient” or diet trend. It’s hard to tell the difference between a legitimate healthy eating habit and a post written for clicks.

When in doubt about a new health food craze, look to the experts. (And no, I’m not talking about “experts” on talk shows.) Professional nutritionists study the science behind food and biological behavior, so they know a thing or two.

You can also check out any websites or resources cited by the United States Department of Agriculture, such as or the Food and Nutrition Information Center.

Knowledgeable and experienced nutritionists can guide us through a multitude of eating strategies. Here are a few healthy eating habits all nutritionists have to give you the tips you want to get a new lifestyle up and running!

1. Breakfast.

Nutritionists always eat breakfast. Having breakfast every morning jump starts the metabolism while controlling hunger throughout the day. Nutritionist Amy Gorin’s go-to breakfast is a smoothie! Here’s one of her delicious smoothie recipes to get your day started.

2. Stay hydrated!

Drinking plenty of water not only fuels the body, but it fuels the brain to function properly. Water also boosts mood, prevents headaches, and helps with weight loss goals.

5. Kick processed foods to the curb.

See ya on the flip side, Cheetos and honey buns – healthy eating habits to the rescue. Nutritionists recommend staying in the produce, meat, and dairy sections of the grocery store to help with this habit. To help get more veggies into your meals – try adding them to your breakfast, whether in smoothies or a yummy omelet.

3. Become a snack fiend.

Granola, yogurt, carrots, apples, and any variety of fruits and veggies you prefer can make snacks the best part of your day. The key to snack time? Having it multiple times a day! Stowaway sealed snacks in your desk at the office to keep you energized throughout the day.

4. Eat mindfully.

By eating mindfully, every meal can be more enjoyable. With every careful consideration and strategically planned dish, you will appreciate each meal and be more satisfied.  Mindful eaters might also eat less per portion.

6. Listen to your body’s needs.

When your body senses hunger, don’t be afraid to eat. When it’s full, don’t feel the need to overeat just to finish what’s on your plate. Hunger can sometimes disguise itself as thirst, so be aware of your body’s needs. Listening to your body will help you follow healthy eating habits all nutritionists have.

Which of these habits work for you? Let us know in the comments. 

The post 6 Healthy Eating Habits All Nutritionists Have appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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