Thursday, July 26, 2018

3 Genius Ways to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Crazy Schedule

Trying to balance family, friends, chores, work, and school can make life pretty hectic. It can often feel like there’s just not enough time in the day! Attempting to fit exercise into your already busy routine can seem impossible. These 3 Genius Ways to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Crazy Schedule will ensure that you’ll never miss a workout again!

Although you may have a million things to do, your health should always be made a priority. Exercising regularly will provide you with the energy that you need to power through the day. Living a healthy lifestyle will also allow you to be there for your family and friends. You can choose to utilize just one of these tips, or incorporate all 3 into your daily routine.

Wake Up a Few Minutes Earlier

Your exercise routine does not need to take up a ton of your time. In as little as 10 minutes, you can get in an excellent workout. Waking up just a few minutes earlier each day, will allow you to get your workout done and over with, so that you can get on with your day!

Try one of these 10 minute workouts:

Break a Sweat On Your Lunch Break!

If the thought of waking up early to work out makes you cringe, you can exercise on your lunch break! Bring your running shoes and a change of clothes to work and get outside! These workouts are fast and effective, making them the perfect lunch time routines! Depending on how much time you have to spare, you can try just one, or even all of them!

HIIT it, or Give Tabata a Try.

High Intensity Interval Training and Tabata Workouts are similar in the fact that they combine short periods of heart pumping moves, with even shorter rest periods. Although HIIT and Tabata can be completed in minutes, they will still burn a significant amount of calories. These forms of exercise will also boost your metabolism, enabling you to continue burning calories even while you’re at rest. Because these forms of exercise can melt fat and build muscle in such a short amount of time, they are a great choice for busy people like you!

These are some of our best HIIT and Tabata Workouts:


Do you have a habit of skipping your workouts when you get busy? If so, these ways to squeeze fitness into your crazy schedule can change everything! You should find which one works best for you and if you really want to kick it up a notch, try all 3! Remember, your health should always be a priority!

What’s your favorite time of day to exercise? Do you have any special tips for getting your workout in? We’d love to hear them! Let us know in the comment section, below.

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The post 3 Genius Ways to Squeeze Fitness Into Your Crazy Schedule appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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