Friday, January 11, 2019

Why Is It Important To Eat Whole Foods?

You’ve most likely heard the term, “whole foods” by now, but we’re not talking about the fancy grocery store. We’re talking about the food itself. If you’re trying to eat healthier, choosing whole foods is a good place to start. You know that you’re supposed to eat them, but why is it so important?

First, you need to understand what whole foods are. Once you know the types of foods that you should be eating, you will be able to better understand why they are the healthiest option!

What Are Whole Foods?

Whole foods are foods that are still in their natural state. This means they have not been processed and still contain all of their vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other critical nutrients. Examples of whole foods are apples, fresh spinach, and chicken breast, as opposed to apple juice, canned spinach, and frozen chicken nuggets.

Check out: The Whole Foods Shopping List for an in-depth list of whole foods.

Not only do processed foods lose many of these vital components, but they also contain added preservatives, chemicals, and unhealthy additives like salt, sugar, saturated fat, and trans fats. This, of course, also means that these foods are generally higher in calories when compared to whole foods.

Diets high in processed foods lead to weight gain and put you at a greater risk of developing illnesses like heart disease, cancer, and Diabetes.

Why is it Important to Eat Whole Foods?

Decreased Risk of Disease

While processed foods increase your risk of disease, consuming whole foods will have the opposite effect. Diets rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will provide your body with the important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that it needs to function optimally.

Safe and Effective Weight Loss

Eating a diet built around whole foods can also help you to lose a significant amount of weight, as well. Foods that are high in protein and fiber will boost your metabolism and allow you to to stay fuller, longer. When you don’t have the urge to snack, you will generally consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Nutritional scientists continue to discover new components of food, many of which are not available in supplement form. This means that neglecting to eat healthy, whole foods, can end up leaving quite a gap in your daily nutritional requirements. Furthermore, research has suggested that when all of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients work together, the health benefits may be much greater than if you were to single them out.

Simple and Inexpensive

Contrary to popular belief, participating in a whole foods diet is both simple and inexpensive.

When you follow a whole foods diet, you don’t need to worry about counting calories because it is unlikely that you will feel the need to overeat. Nutritious foods will keep your body satiated and allow it to let go of excess weight.

Many people are also under the false impression that eating whole foods requires extra cash. On the contrary, you can buy most whole foods in bulk for less. Buying in bulk will feed you and your family for the entire week. If you live alone, buying in bulk will enable you to meal-prep, thus saving you time, energy, and from eating too many calories!

Related: The Busy Woman’s Guide to Meal-Prepping


Are you ready to start eating more whole foods? You will find that you feel more fit and fabulous than ever before! Aside from losing weight, you’ll experience a boost in energy, confidence, and health!

In order to accelerate your weight loss, pair your new whole foods diet with a fitness routine. Try these fun and effective routines:

Do you try to eat mostly whole foods? If not, are you going to give it a try? Let us hear your thoughts in the comment section!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the latest healthy-eating tips and recipes!

The post Why Is It Important To Eat Whole Foods? appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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