Saturday, January 12, 2019

5 Ways to Work Out without Weights

Weight training is awesome for building strength and muscle, but there are dozens of highly-effective ways to work out without weights! Performing the same old routine, day in and day out, can lead to boredom and failure. You should feel free to get creative with your workouts to keep them exciting!

For a well-rounded fitness routine, your workouts should include cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility elements. Some of the forms of training listed below are focused on getting your heart rate up, while others will help you build strength and tone up. Check out the recommended workouts that we’ve paired with each form of training.

5 Ways to Work Out without Weights

1. Walk, Jog, Run!

These workout options are some of the oldest and most basic forms of exercise, but that’s not to say that they aren’t highly efficient! Aside from helping you lose weight and get into the best shape of your life, these forms of exercise will improve your heart and lung health, boost your endurance, reduce stress, and improve the quality of your sleep. Perhaps the best part about these options are that they can be performed by anyone, anywhere!

Of course walking, jogging, and running aren’t the only forms of cardiovascular exercise to choose from. You can go swimming, biking, skating, hiking, kayaking, and more!

2. Yoga

Yoga is another great (weights-free) option for a workout. It’s not just about flexibility, but balance and coordination, as well. These are fundamental building blocks to a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention, Yoga is incredibly enjoyable! It’s important for you to enjoy the forms of exercise that you choose to perform. Enjoyable exercise is sustainable exercise, meaning that when you look forward to your workouts, you’re way more likely to stay consistent! This is especially important when it comes to yoga, because flexibility is the most commonly overlooked element of a workout routine. 

3. Body Weight Exercise

Perhaps the most obvious way to work out without weights, is bodyweight exercise. Your body is truly the only tool that you need to lose weight and tone-up. One of the biggest benefits of this form of exercise is that you can complete an effective bodyweight routine in just minutes, no matter where you.

You can perform a bodyweight routine right after you wake up, during your lunch break, while the kids are napping, or in front of the TV at night! Keeping a few bodyweight workout routines on hand can keep you on the path to achieving all of your fitness goals!

4. Resistance Bands

This form of training is similar to weight training, but much more portable! Resistance bands are lightweight and can easily be thrown into your purse or backpack. Band training will tone your muscles and help you build strength. If you’ve never tried resistance training before, we highly recommend giving it a shot!

5. TRX Suspension Trainer

Not only can you build muscle using a TRX, but you can also perform heart-pumping, calorie-blasting moves that will melt excess fat from all over your body! I’m not being dramatic, this is seriously one of my favorite workout tools. You can use these straps anywhere, at the park, in your house, at the gym, literally anywhere. Combine bodyweight exercise, resistance training, and cardio, into one excellent workout.

Weight training is an awesome part of a workout routine, but there are many other ways to get in shape when you don’t have access to them. You should try incorporating all of the forms of exercise above into your weekly workout routine.

Which one of these ways to work out without weights is your favorite? Do you have a special form of exercise that doesn’t require dumbbells or kettlebells? Let us know in the comment section!

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