Wednesday, January 9, 2019

9 Tips for Losing Weight Faster

These tips for losing weight faster are for those of you that are already eating right and exercising often. As we all know, the weight loss process can be extremely drawn-out at times. When weight loss begins to slow, it’s easy for our motivation to wane as well. These helpful little tips can provide the boost in fat burn that you need to stay on track!

For best results, apply as many of these tips to your daily routine as you can! They will all work together to supercharge your fitness routine. Before you know it, you’ll end up with the body you want –and deserve!

9 Tips for Losing Weight Faster

1. Figure out how many calories YOU should eat daily.

If your weight loss progress has stalled, or it’s just not moving as fast as you’d like it to, it’s possible that you’re simply consuming too much food per day. Find out How Many Calories You Should Eating Each Day to Lose Weight. Adjusting your caloric intake (even slightly) can make a big difference in your weight loss.

If you eat clean regularly, you don’t have to worry about counting calories. “Clean” foods are usually low in calories and high in nutrition. It’s very difficult to eat “too much” healthy food. If you don’t want to count calories, this is the way to go!

Related: 14-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan

On a side note, a helpful tip to lose weight faster when going out to dinner is to immediately split your meal in half and box it up to take home. Restaurant meals are typically higher in calories than meals that you eat at home because of their larger portion size. Splitting your meal in half will save you from consuming too many calories at once.

2. Add low-calorie volume to each meal.

One of the biggest issues that people have with dieting is they often feel hungry, even after they’ve just eaten. A great way to help you feel fuller for longer is to add in low-calorie volume with vegetables and leafy greens. Foods like broccoli, kale, and spinach won’t rack up the calorie count and make great additions to your meal!

3. Drink more water.

One explanation for the stall in your weight loss may be due to the fact that you’re simply not drinking enough water. You need to try to consume at least 64 ounces per day.

Water benefits your body by:

  • Helping you feel fuller, so you consume less calories from your meals.
  • Aiding in digestion and waste removal to keep your digestive system regular.
  • Keeping your muscles and joints healthy. 
  • Increasing circulation, which boosts your energy and metabolism!

We recommend drinking a full glass of water right after you wake up to activate your digestive system, kick-start your metabolism, and boost your energy levels! You should drink another full glass before each meal and snack to limit the amount of calories you consume.

Lastly, you should completely cut out beverages like soda, juices, and even diet soda. Sugary beverages cause those calories to add up fast, and diet soda makes your body crave sweets.

Check out: 12 Easy Ways to Increase Water Intake.

4. Try black coffee or green tea.

If you’re going to drink anything other than water, let it be black coffee or green tea. Not only are these drinks void of calories, but they also have the ability to temporarily boost your metabolism. This means that you can burn more calories just by drinking them!

A 2008 study conducted at the University of Oklahoma found that subjects who drank a little caffeine each day lost more than 1 pound, on average, without changing diet or exercise habits.

Read about the 5 Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee and the 3 Reasons Why Green Tea is a Superfood.

5. Take a fish oil supplement.

Studies have shown that daily consumption of a fish oil supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids can have many benefits. These benefits include decreased hunger and appetite, a boosted metabolism, and even enhanced calories burned during exercise! Aside from speeding up weight loss, fish oil is also fantastic for your heart health.

6. Try a CLA supplement, as well.

CLA–conjugated linoleic acid–is another healthy, fatty-acid supplement that may aid in fat loss while also supporting muscle growth and strength. Remember that the more toned muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will become! It’s important to note that CLA may also be able to target fat loss around the abdomen.

7. Perform HIIT to burn calories quickly.

High-Intensity Interval Training is one of the fastest, most effective forms of exercise. A traditional HIIT routine can be completed in as little as 15 minutes, making it the perfect option for your super-busy days. HIIT can help you lose weight faster by providing you with an option on days where you would have otherwise skipped your workout. Anyone can find 10-15 minutes to get a quick workout in, right?

Try these quick and helpful HIIT routines. They can be completed anywhere, anytime, and without any equipment at all:

8. Increase daily activity by making small changes.

No matter how small individual healthy choices may seem at the time, they can add up to astounding results. You can accelerate your weight loss progress by increasing your activity level throughout the day.

Instead of taking the elevator, choose the stairs instead! Don’t waste time searching for a close parking spot when you can park farther away and burn more calories. If you live close enough to work, the gym, or the grocery store, walk instead of driving! These are just a few examples of how you can increase your daily activity each day.

9. Incorporate active rests into your strength-training routines.

Strength-training routines are often thought of as boring or less sweat-inducing. This is because weight training requires recovery in-between sets. Instead of just waiting for your next set, get up and burn some extra calories with an active rest exercise!

For instance, if you’re performing 3 sets of 10 reps on shoulder press, get up and do some jumping jacks or burpees in between each set. This will help you burn calories and kick your metabolism into overdrive! Active rest exercises include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Jumping jacks
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • High-knees
  • Jumping rope
  • Body squats
  • Alternating lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Smash ball
  • Battle rope
  • Jogging in place
  • Kettle bell swings

Feel free to get creative!

The Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches incorporates active rests into all of the daily routines. Try it out, you’ll notice (and appreciate) the difference!


These tips for losing weight faster will make a great addition to your current healthy-eating and exercise program. If you still need to find the right diet and exercise regimen, check out all of our Meal-Plans and Workout Routines. We have options for everyone!

Which one of these tips was your favorite? Do you have any that you want to share? Let us know in the comment section.

If you haven’t already, give us a like on Facebook and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for all of the best fitness tips and routines.

The post 9 Tips for Losing Weight Faster appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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