Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Beginner Workout Tips to Kick-Start Your New Workout Routine

It’s never too late to get in shape! No matter what time of the year you decide to get healthy, these beginner workout tips will get you started on the right track!

Changing your lifestyle is a big commitment. It’s going to require you to make healthy choices and give consistent effort every single day. For this reason, it’s important to make your new habits as enjoyable and simple as possible! There are many different ways to do this, but the following 5 tips will help kick start your new workout routine.

Beginner Workout Tips to Kick-Start Your Routine

Change Your Idea of Exercise

I know, it’s easier said than done. It usually takes some time to change your mindset from negative to positive, but it will happen. Don’t worry about how many calories you’re burning, or how much longer you have to stay on the treadmill. Instead, focus on positive things like improving your endurance and increasing your strength. Once you begin to notice the awesome results, you’ll be hooked!

In order to change your idea of exercise, you need to choose exercises that you enjoy! If you hate running, try an HIIT routine instead. If lifting weights at the gym intimidates you, start with a body weight routine at home! There are viable options for literally anyone, you just need to find what works for you!

Set Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals

Setting goals that are too far out can end in disaster. Instead, you should set daily, weekly and monthly goals. Your daily goal can be as simple as walking 5000 steps. Your weekly goal can be to workout a minimum of 5 days per week. Perhaps your monthly goal can be to lose 5 pounds, which breaks down to just 1.25 pounds per week. Smaller, more specific goals are much more manageable.

Each goal should be written down to remind you of what you’re working for. Plus, being able to cross each goal off as it’s been met is extremely satisfying! Schedule your workouts at least a week out, to ensure that you have the time to complete them. If you want to reach your goals, you must stay consistent.

Get Your Gear

If you need a little extra motivation to get to the gym, pick up some new workout gear! Your shoes and clothes should be comfortable and practical, however, this doesn’t mean they can’t be cute and fashionable as well! As silly as it may seem, rocking a new outfit can give you the little extra push you need to get into the gym!

Check out: Best Affordable Active Wear for Any Budget

Find a Workout Buddy

Some of us thrive on our own, but others need a little extra help, and that’s okay! Having a workout buddy can greatly improve your chances of success! Skipping a workout every now and then is not going to ruin all of your progress, but when you go it alone, one skipped workout can turn into two, and then three, and so on. Having an accountability buddy can motivate you to get your workout in, even on the days where you don’t feel like it.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Before you head to the gym, eat a healthy, well-rounded breakfast. Your body requires energy to perform the workout that lies ahead. Properly fueling up can increase the intensity and duration of your workout, making it even more effective! Eating a healthy breakfast also puts you on track to make healthy choices throughout the rest of the day!

Try: 15 Quick & Easy Breakfast Recipes


Apply these beginner workout tips to your routine and set yourself up for success! It’s not going to be easy, but it’s definitely going to be worth it! Always remember that you can do anything that you set your mind to.

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The post Beginner Workout Tips to Kick-Start Your New Workout Routine appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/beginner-workout-tips-to-kick-start-your-new-workout-routine/

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