Friday, September 14, 2018

7 Clever Tips and Techniques to Make You A Better Cook

Some are born great (cooks), some achieve greatness (of cooking), and some have greatness (of cooking) thrust upon them. Regardless of where you stand, I think we could all always use some pointers on cooking–even if you are a great cook. That’s where these 7 clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook come in.

I was not born a great cook. I’d like to think that I achieved becoming a great cook on my own, but honestly, I wasn’t even anywhere close to being great until discovering these tips and techniques. Now, I get asked to bring multiple dishes to family gatherings and even my picky grandfather likes them, so I guess you could say that I’m pretty okay at this whole cooking thing.

You might be like the old me (trying really hard to cook yummy meals, but not quite succeeding). You could, instead, be like the new me (just trying to get even better at cooking). Either way, these clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook are super helpful and will definitely make you a better cook.

1. How to Peel a Hard-Boiled Egg

My favorite way to enjoy hard boiled eggs are on salads like our Tuscan Salad Recipe with Mixed Greens and Lemon Caper Vinaigrette. However, they also taste great in deviled egg form and even just on their own as a snack.

As much as I like them, though, they really are a pain to peel. I used to end up wasting so much time trying to get every last bit of the shells off of the eggs. Luckily, we’ve got a great tip that saves you time and stress when peeling those hard-boiled eggs!

2. How to Pit an Avocado Safely

A list of clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook wouldn’t be a full list without an avocado tip! Like hard-boiled eggs, getting to the actual enjoyment of eating an avocado can take a while. This technique on how to pit an avocado safely is a life saver!

The first step is to simply cut the avocado and twist it into two halves. Then, place the half of the avocado with the pit on your counter on a towel and carefully hit the center of the pit with your knife. Next, hold the half with the towel and twist the knife until the pit loosens up and you’re able to pull it out. Then you’re ready to dice up your avocado!

3. Clean as You Cook

There’s nothing worse than scrambling around the kitchen, trying to find clean plates, bowls, cutting boards, utensils, or whatever it is you need while trying to cook at the same time. I never notice that I need something that’s dirty until I REALLY need it. By the time I decide that I can’t actually find another clean tool and decide to clean the dirty one, whatever was cooking on the stove is burnt already.

If you’ve had a similar experience, then you need to clean as you go! It makes cooking ten times easier–which is what we want with these clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook.

4. How to Measure Recipe Ingredients Properly

Measuring ingredients properly can really make or break a recipe. Have you ever added too much salt to a dish or, worse, too much chili powder? The recipe is immediately ruined. With this SkinnyMs technique, you never have to ruin another recipe again!

5. How to Make Stale Bread Taste Delicious Again

Put that rock-hard bread that you thought you would have to throw out to good use! Make something delicious with it in just 3 simple steps:

  • Wet the loaf of bread
  • Bake it
  • Eat it

SkinnyMs has your back with number 5 on this list of clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook.

6. The Easiest Way to Hull a Strawberry

Strawberries make for great ingredients in dessert recipes, snack recipes, and breakfast recipes. Unfortunately, when we typically hull strawberries, we lose a ton of the delicious fruit. This SkinnyMs technique for how to hull them saves us from throwing away any of that deliciousness!

7. How to Use an Instant Pot

Instant pots are basically the super heroes of easy meals and can really help to make you a better cook. So, why not end this list of clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook with some tips and techniques on how to use an Instant Pot?

They will allow you to feast on the deliciousness of some of our Instant Pot recipes such as:

These 7 clever tips and techniques to make you a better cook allow you to feast on so many yummy recipes–not just Instant Pot ones! All you have to do is implement them into your kitchen routines!

For more tips, along with recipes and workouts, follow us on Instagram and Pinterest, and check out our Facebook page.

The post 7 Clever Tips and Techniques to Make You A Better Cook appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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