Monday, September 10, 2018

10 Home Workouts for Beginners

Working out at home can be just as effective as exercising at the gym! You don’t need fancy equipment or tons of space to lose weight and tone up. Every one of these home workouts for beginners will help you shed inches, melt fat, and build muscle!

It is much more common to exercise at home than you might think. There’s no reason to spend hundreds of dollars every year on a gym membership when you can workout for free from the comfort of your own house or apartment!

Your body is the only piece of equipment that is required, however, feel free to get creative! Utilize the tools that you have available to you (open space, stairs, dumbbells, resistance bands, etc…) The majority of these routines are body weight cardio and HIIT workouts, although all of them require an interval timer and few of them ask that you have a pair of dumbbells or a yoga mat handy.

We’ve compiled a list of 10 of our favorite home workouts for beginners. You can take part, even if you’re at a more advanced fitness level, because the majority of the routines are modifiable. If you want to lose weight and tone up, begin incorporating these routines into your fitness plan, today!

10 Home Workouts for Beginners

7-Minutes to Whittle Your Middle

Equipment Required: interval timer

Although this is the shortest of our home workouts, it’s certainly not the easiest! During these 7 minutes, you will perform 7 different heart-pumping, fat-melting body weight moves! You can choose to do this just once a day, or multiple times per day! Short, intense routines, like this one, can make a big difference on the scale.

10-Minute Tabata Workout for Lower Body

Equipment Required: interval timer / moderately heavy dumbbell

Tabata exercise is known for turning up the heat and blasting fat! It’s no surprise that this workout will set your glutes, thighs, and calves on fire! In as little as 10 minutes, you can slim, tighten, and tone your entire lower body.

15-Minute Indoor Body Weight HIIT Workout

Equipment Required: interval timer / yoga mat or towel

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. This form of exercise incorporates heart-pumping moves, with short rest periods, in order to kick your metabolism and fat-burn up a notch! The exercises involved in this routine primarily target your lower body, although you will shed pounds and inches from all over. You can definitely find 15 minutes in your day to get this workout in!

At-Home Crossfit Workout

Equipment Required: interval timer

Crossfit is a high-intensity fitness program that incorporates components of several different sports and types of exercise. It places a big focus on functional exercise, or moves that you perform in everyday life. By practicing these moves, day-to-day activities will feel easier, and you’ll be less prone to injury.

This At-Home Crossfit workout can be fit into the busiest of schedules, as you can complete it in as little as 7 minutes or as many as 15. If you think body weight exercise is easy, think again! This routine will raise your heart rate and challenge your muscles!

15-Minute Body Weight Bootcamp

Equipment Required: interval timer

This workout will challenge your mid-section and get that sweat dripping! A combination of core exercises and high-intensity moves like plyometric lunges will leave you feeling energized and fit! This is an excellent choice for beginners because it emphasizes the importance of a strong core while also improving cardiovascular health. This is a must-try!

Fat-Blasting Upper Body HIIT Workout

Equipment Required: interval timer / a chair or bench / a yoga mat or towel / a pair of light to moderately heavy dumbbells

So far, we’ve included mainly lower-body or fat-burning routines, but this one is all about your upper body! This upper body workout is perfect for beginners due to the fact that it is completely modifiable. As previously mentioned, HIIT burns loads of calories. This routine will integrate upper body strength and fast-paced cardio exercises. You can’t choose where you lose fat, but this routine is another one that will melt it all over!

20-Minute Booty Blast Circuit

Equipment Required: interval timer / a yoga mat or towel

If you want to lift, firm, and shape your butt, then this 20-minute booty blast is an absolute must. By isolating the glute muscles, you will give them the time and attention they need to become perkier and bigger. Not to mention, this workout will also burn excess fat, helping to reveal the muscles that are beneath.

At-Home Fat-Burning Workout

Equipment Required: interval timer / a jump rope / a yoga mat or towel

Depending on how much time you have available to workout, you can perform this routine up to 4 times a day, which will only take 20 minutes. If you’re short on time, complete 1 round in just 5 minutes! Keep in mind, however, that the more you challenge yourself, the faster you will see visible results! This workout uses 10 of our favorite, fat-blasting, muscle-sculpting exercises. Not only is it fun, but it’s effective, as well.

10 Best Yoga Moves for Absolute Beginners

Equipment Required: interval timer / a yoga mat or towel

If you think that Yoga is not a workout, you’ve obviously never tried it. Yoga improves balance, flexibility, and focus. By no means is it easy. With that being said, this regimen incorporates 10 of the best moves for beginners so that you can safely ease into a yoga routine. It is recommended that you work on your flexibility a minimum of 3 times per week.

30-Minute Lower Body Cardio Workout

Equipment Required: interval timer / a yoga mat or towel

Don’t let the name of this workout fool you… this is a total-body challenge! After completing this routine, you’ll feel like you can take on the world. Through a combination of punching, kicking, and well, squatting, you’ll be dripping with sweat! If you have 30 minutes to spare, I highly recommend you give this one a shot!


We hope you’ve realized that your body is truly the only form of workout equipment that you need! Understanding that exercise does not have to be complicated or take up a ton of your time is the key to success. These home workouts for beginners make it easier than ever to stick to the plan, as you can workout from home, school or even work! Try one – or even better- try them all! Let us know which one is your favorite!

If you don’t already, follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of our future at-home workouts!

The post 10 Home Workouts for Beginners appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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