Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Ultimate Legs & Butt Bodyweight Workout

Who says that you need a gym in order to get into great shape? You can build killer legs and sculpt a great butt with just your bodyweight! Try The Ultimate Legs & Butt Bodyweight Workout today if you want to start getting results!

Bodyweight workouts are a fantastic option for a number of reasons. For starters, they can burn significant calories! You’ll tone up your muscles while simultaneously melting fat. They’re also a great choice because you can literally do them from anywhere! This will save you time and the headache of getting to the gym. You can make incredible progress with just your body! The Ultimate Legs & Butt Bodyweight Workout is an excellent place to start!

This workout is designed to target all of the muscles in your legs and booty. An added bonus is that lower body workouts typically burn more calories than upper body routines! Don’t be afraid to push yourself! Nothing worth having comes easy. It’s going to take dedication, but I know that you have it in you! Are you ready?

The Workout

What you need: A timer and a towel or yoga mat.

What to do: Set your timer for 60 seconds before each exercise. Perform as many reps as possible within that 60 seconds and then immediately move on to the next exercise. There are 10 exercises, total. I want you to complete 1-3 rounds. This workout will take 10-30 minutes. We’ve included instructional videos for each exercise at the bottom of this post.

  1. Squats

  2. Single-Leg Deadlift (left leg)

  3. Single-Leg Deadlift (right leg)

  4. Walking Lunges

  5. Standing Calf Raise

  6. Floor Hip Bridge

  7. Lying Hip Abduction (left side)

  8. Lying Hip Abduction (right side)

  9. Alternating Curtsy Lunges

  10. High Knees

Instructional Videos


Single-Leg Deadlift

Walking Lunges

Standing Calf Raise

Floor Hip Bridge

Lying Hip Abduction

Alternating Curtsy Lunges

High Knees

What did you think?  If you’re not sore yet, you will be tomorrow! Remember, your body requires a challenge to change! You need to push yourself in order to make progress. Perform this workout multiple times per week for best results. Try to get a few more reps each time you perform this workout.

Keep in mind that following a proper diet is imperative to getting results! Need help? Try one of our 21 Foolproof Slow Cooker Recipes to Lose Weight! Or try integrating these 31 Best Snacks for Weight Loss into your diet.

Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the greatest legs and booty workout routines!

The post The Ultimate Legs & Butt Bodyweight Workout appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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