Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How to Build an Amazing Upper Body You Can be Proud of

When it comes to upper- and lower-body strength, most females would agree that their legs are much stronger than their arms. This is completely normal and quite common. Through my experience in training female clients, a few things have become obvious: we tend to enjoy lower body workouts while dreading the upper body sessions. Most of my clients have openly voiced a fear that they don’t know how to build an amazing upper body you can be proud of without making their arms look bulky.

I’ll you the same thing that I always tell them: there’s no reason to fear upper body training sessions. As women, we cannot naturally put on enough muscle to make us look bulky. On the other hand, working out our arms will help us tone and shape the muscle that we do have. The following tips will show you how to build an amazing upper body you can be proud of. 

It’s extremely important to put in the amount of effort necessary to see results. There’s a saying that goes, “Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.” In other words, don’t be upset with the upper body you currently have if you’re not putting in the effort to improve it. After you learn more about these workout principles, you have to put them into practice in order to see results. 

Routine and Consistency

Performing consistent upper body training routines will not only improve your appearance, but it will also enhance your athletic ability and boost your confidence. The key word here is consistency, because that’s the key to toning and shaping muscle. Staying consistent will significantly increase your strength, as well. Just because we start out with naturally weaker upper bodies does not mean that we need to stay that way. You’re capable of more than you know! 

First and foremost, the main principle for how to build an amazing upper body you can be proud is that consistency will make or break you. If you’re inconsistent with your training routine, your progress will stall and you will not see results. On the other hand, following a consistent training program will allow you to become stronger and more toned.

One of the best ways to follow a routine is to write down your workouts, or log them into a training app. When you can adjust your training volume and intensity (i.e., sets, reps, and weights) week by week, you’ll continue to make progress. If accountability is your main problem when it comes to sticking to a routine, consider finding a workout partner! The chances of success skyrocket when you have someone to hold you accountable. Another option would be to hire a qualified personal trainer (we’re great, I promise!).

From my experience working with female clients, I know that many women don’t look forward to working on their upper bodies. I get it: I used to feel the same way! But, once I decided to stick to a basic upper body training routine, I noticed improvements in multiple aspects of my life. I even found myself looking forward to it! So create a routine and consistently stick to it.

Warm-Up and Maintain Mobility

It’s astounding how many gym-goers ignore warm-up and flexibility routines. These two things are important pieces of a proper training routine. I like to use the analogy of sticky tack, silly putty, or clay. When it’s cold, it’s very hard to manipulate. The more you warm it up, the better it stretches and the more malleable it becomes.

This is what happens to your muscles, tendons, and ligaments during a warm-up and stretching routine. A proper warm-up and flexibility session before your workout will substantially reduce your risk of injury. It will also help improve your upper body strength with the added benefit of improving your posture!

The post How to Build an Amazing Upper Body You Can be Proud of appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/how-to-build-an-amazing-upper-body-you-can-be-proud-of/

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