Friday, August 10, 2018

6 Moves to Strong, Lean Legs

Do you have fitness goals and aspirations? You can probably think of one or two off the top of your head. Some of the most common goals are to lose weight or tone-up, but let’s get more specific. Most women would probably agree that they’d love to have sexy, sculpted legs. Wouldn’t you? These 6 Moves to Strong, Lean Legs can make that dream, a reality!

Luckily, building a beautiful lower body does not have to be time-consuming or complicated! The simple exercises included in this routine will target every muscle of the leg. Don’t let the fact that these exercises are simple fool you! They are extremely effective at firming and shaping. You can perform this routine from the comfort of your home or at the gym, in as little as 20 minutes! This workout needs to become a part of your weekly routine!

The Routine

What you need: Depending on your fitness level, you can choose to perform these exercises using just your body weight, dumbbells, kettlebells, or even a barbell. It would also be helpful to have a yoga mat or a soft place to lay (for bridges).

What to do: Perform the specified number of reps and sets for each exercise. Rest 30 seconds in-between sets. Maintaining proper form should always be your main priority. In order to help you do this, we’ve included instructional videos for each exercise. You can perform this routine up to 4 times per week. Here are your 6 moves to strong, lean legs:

1. Squats

Perform: 10 reps / 3-5 sets

If you’re a beginner, you can perform this as a body weight exercise. To make this an intermediate exercise, you can use dumbbells or a kettlebell. For a more challenging workout, head to the gym and use a barbell!

2. Single-Leg Deadlifts

Perform: 10 reps per leg  / 3-5 sets

If you’re just starting out, practice single-leg deadlifts using just your body weight (this will improve your balance.) You can make this exercise more difficult by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell. Don’t hesitate to lift heavy! (Be sure to maintain proper form.)

3. Walking Lunges

Perform: 10 reps per leg / 3-5 sets

Again, you can start out with just bodyweight and progress to holding dumbbells or kettlebells down at your sides for a more challenging workout.

4. Glute Bridges

Perform: 10 reps / 3-5 sets

Bridges are commonly performed without any added weight, however, you may choose to hold a kettlebell, dumbbell, or even a barbell across your hip bones to make the exercise more difficult.

5. Standing Calf Raises

Perform: 10 reps / 3-5 sets

Body weight calf raises commonly feel too easy. You might consider holding some weights down at your sides.

6. Side Lunges

Perform: 10 reps per leg / 3-5 sets

If you want to make this exercise more difficult, hold a single dumbbell or kettlebell at chest level.

Instructional Videos


Single-Leg Deadlifts

Walking Lunges

Glute Bridges

Standing Calf Raises

Side Lunges


These 6 moves to strong, lean legs, need to become a regular part of your routine. When it comes to making progress, staying consistent is an absolute must. This is a great body weight routine, but by adding a little resistance, you can make it even more effective! Whether you’re rocking skinny jeans or daisy dukes, your friends and family will definitely notice all of your hard work!

If you enjoyed this routine, consider trying these other incredible leg workouts, as well!

Try this routine and let us know what you thought in the comment section! Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the best workout routines!

The post 6 Moves to Strong, Lean Legs appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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