Friday, August 3, 2018

21-Day Lean and Fit Workout Challenge

From time to time, it’s a good idea to switch up your workout routine to keep yourself from plateauing. Have you ever noticed your weight loss progress stall or even stop altogether? Maybe you’re just bored with your current routine and need to spice it up a bit. This 21-Day Lean and Fit Workout Challenge will put the pep back in your step and help you to begin shedding pounds & inches again!

Through a combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, HIIT, and even flexibility routines, this challenge will, without a doubt, get you back on the road to success. You will work out 5 days per week, for fewer than 30 minutes each day. Your two “rest” days will include a flexibility component to keep you limber and ready for the next workout!

It’s important to keep in mind that maintaining a clean diet is a necessary component to success. You simply cannot burn enough calories through exercise alone to see any substantial progress. You should focus on applying these healthy principles below to every aspect of your life.

Healthy Principles:

Drink more water – Consume at least eight, 8 oz. glasses of water each day. Drink a glass right after you wake up, before each meal, and during your workout! Staying hydrated will keep you from overeating and allow your body to let go of excess fat.

Eat clean, nutritious foods – Healthy, natural food is nutritious and generally much lower in calories when compared to processed foods. Try these 50 Clean-Eating Dinners

Up your protein intake – In order to maintain and build muscle you should be aiming to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body weight, each day. Protein will also keep you from overeating. Give these 12 Protein-Packed Breakfasts a shot!

Avoid soda of any kind – Soda is full of sugary calories which should obviously be avoided if trying to lose weight. Diet soda has also been shown to increase cravings for sugary foods, often times leading to overeating. Instead, drink water with lemon or lime.

Take measurements – It’s not all about the scale. Sometimes weighing yourself can derail you as weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds each day. Circumference measurements are much more accurate. Measure your chest, waist, hips, etc. every other week.

Set realistic goals –  Don’t expect to drop 20, 15, or even 10 pounds in a month. Most people that stick to a healthy diet and consistent exercise routine will drop 1-2 pounds per week. This is a great goal to aim for! Slow & steady is the healthiest way to shed excess pounds.

Reward yourself with something other than food – Of course it’s okay to reward yourself with ice cream or alcohol every once in awhile, but your treats shouldn’t always be food-related. Buy yourself a new bikini or sundress, or take yourself on a healthy adventure!

Find a challenge buddy – An accountability/workout partner is an excellent way to stay on track. Grab a friend, family member or even a coworker and get fit together! You’ll be surprised at how helpful and motivating it can be!


The Workout

You’ll find specific directions at the beginning of each week. This challenge contains 3 strength workouts, 2 cardio or HIIT challenges, and 2 flexibility components each week. You will notice that they get progressively harder every week, by increasing workout time and decreasing rest time.

What you need: A chair or bench, a towel or yoga mat, 1 or 2 sets of dumbbells (3-12 lbs.), a jump rope, a timer, a treadmill or an open space, and a water bottle (water tracker bottle recommended).

You will find instructional videos for each exercise on page 2.


15-Minute Quick & Easy Cardio Workout

Week 1

  • For days 1, 3, & 6, complete 5 rounds of each exercise. Rest for 60 seconds in-between each round.
  • On days 2 & 5 complete the linked workout(s) and the ab exercises for the specified amount of time.
  • Days 4 & 7 are your rest days. Perform the linked flexibility routine.

Day 1

  1. Body Weight Squats – 10 reps
  2. Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
  3. Push-ups – 10 reps
  4. Single Unders – 30 seconds
  5. Chair Dips – 10 reps

Day 2

  1. 15-Minute Quick & Easy Cardio Workout

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 1 minute between each round.

  1. Plank – 30 seconds
  2. Sit-Ups – 30 seconds

Day 3

  1. Walking Lunges – 10 reps per leg
  2. Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds
  3. Shoulder Press – 10 reps
  4. Burpees – 30 seconds
  5. Glute Bridge – 10 reps

Day 4

Rest Day – Stretch it out- Total Body Exercises for Increased Flexibility

Day 5

  1. Body Weight HIIT Workout

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 1 minute between each round.

  1. Side Plank (Left) – 30 seconds
  2. Side Plank (Right) – 30 seconds

Day 6

  1. Alternating Side Lunges – 10 reps per leg
  2. High Knees – 30 seconds
  3. Rows – 10 reps
  4. Skaters – 30 seconds
  5. Bicep Curls – 10 reps

Day 7

Rest Day – 10-Minute Beginner’s Yoga Workout for Balance


Week 2

  • For days 8, 10, & 13, complete 5 rounds of each exercise. Rest for 45 seconds between each round.
  • On days 9 & 12, complete the linked workout and the ab exercises for the specified amount of time.
  • Days 11 & 14 are your rest days. Perform the linked flexibility routine.

Day 8

  1. Body Weight Squats – 15 reps
  2. Jumping Jacks – 45 seconds
  3. Push-ups – 15 reps
  4. Single Unders – 45 seconds
  5. Chair Dips – 15 reps

Day 9

  1. 12-Minute Home HIIT Challenge and the Jump Rope Tabata Challenge

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 45 seconds between each round.

  1. Plank – 45 seconds
  2. Sit-Ups – 45 seconds

Day 10

  1. Walking Lunges – 15 reps per leg
  2. Mountain Climbers – 45 seconds
  3. Shoulder Press – 15 reps
  4. Burpees – 45 seconds
  5. Glute Bridge – 15 reps

Day 11

Rest Day 10-Minute Intermediate Yoga Workout for Balance

Day 12

  1. High-Intensity Total Body HIIT

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 45 seconds between each round.

  1. Side Plank (Left) – 45 seconds
  2. Side Plank (Right) – 45 seconds

Day 13

  1. Alternating Side Lunges – 15 reps per leg
  2. High Knees – 45 seconds
  3. Rows – 15 reps
  4. Skaters – 45 seconds
  5. Bicep Curls – 15 reps

Day 14

Rest Day – Yoga Workout for Weight Loss


Week 3

  • For day 15, 17, & 20, complete 5 rounds of each exercise. Rest for 30 seconds between each round.
  • On days 16 & 19 complete the linked workout and the ab exercises for the specified amount of time.
  • Days 18 & 21 are your rest days.

Day 15

  1. Body Weight Squats – 20 reps
  2. Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds
  3. Push-ups – 20 reps
  4. Single Unders – 60 seconds
  5. Chair Dips – 20 reps

Day 16

  1. Fat-Melting HIIT Routine and the HIIT the Treadmill Workout

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 30 seconds between each round.

  1. Plank – 60 seconds
  2. Sit-Ups – 60 seconds

Day 17

  1. Walking Lunges – 20 reps per leg
  2. Mountain Climbers – 60 seconds
  3. Shoulder Press – 20 reps
  4. Burpees – 60 seconds
  5. Glute Bridge – 20 reps

Day 18

Rest Day – Morning Stretch to Help You Get Up & Go

Day 19

  1. Total Body Tabata Challenge and the Calorie-Crushing Tabata Workout

Complete 3 rounds of the ab exercises below, resting for 30 seconds between each round.

  1. Side Plank (Left) – 60 seconds
  2. Side Plank (Right) – 60 seconds

Day 20

  1. Alternating Side Lunges – 20 reps per leg
  2. High Knees – 60 seconds
  3. Rows – 20 reps
  4. Skaters – 60 seconds
  5. Bicep Curls – 20 reps

Day 21

Rest Day – Get Flexible Stretching Routine

The post 21-Day Lean and Fit Workout Challenge appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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