Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to Eat Healthy as a Diabetic

Mediterranean Couscous Cakes | A Healthy & Delicious Mediterranean Recipe

Everyone should strive to follow a healthy diet, but it’s especially important to eat nutritious foods if you have diabetes. While people with diabetes need the same nutritional intake as the average healthy person, they also need to limit sugars and carbohydrates. Food choices matter, but it’s also important to maintain an overall healthy and active lifestyle. Keeping the body at a healthy weight can make significant differences in the blood sugar levels of a diabetic person. There are many different ways to accomplish this, but let’s take a look at how to eat healthy as a diabetic.

These are just a few suggestions and things to keep in mind if you want to eat healthier as a diabetic. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or workout plan.

Consider Following a Mediterranean Diet

A Mediterranean diet focuses on eating plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. It also includes recipes with lean meats rather than red meats whenever possible. This particular diet is said to promote heart heath, which is especially important for individuals with diabetes who are at greater risk for heath disease. Some delicious options for the Mediterranean diet include:

Choose Foods that Help You Avoid Belly Fat

This might surprise you, but one of the best ways to learn how to eat healthy as a diabetic is to focus on recipes that help you avoid belly fat. Belly fat can be an early sign of obesity, which is a significant contributor to type 2 diabetes. Instead of high-fat foods, focus on foods that have fewer calories and less sugar. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid sugar completely, but simply make smarter decisions when it comes to desserts. Here are a few terrific options to consider because they have no added sugar:

Eat More of These Foods

As a general rule, individuals who are diabetic should focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, high-quality proteins, fish and shellfish, and high-fiber recipes. These types of foods will help you maintain a healthy weight and should keep your sugar levels in check. There are many great recipes to choose from that taste great and won’t make you feel like you are missing out!

Consume Fewer Foods Like This

Avoid eating processed sugars, packaged and fast foods, white bread, and trans fats. These types of foods can increase your cholesterol, raise your blood sugar, and make you gain weight. All of these things aren’t good for a healthy person, but they can be especially bad for individuals who have diabetes. If you need some more tips on how to eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle, check out these amazing health tips. 

Following a diabetic-friendly diet doesn’t have to be bland or boring. It’s all about striking a balance between making good food decisions while still enjoying the foods you love the most.

For more information about eating well and living a healthier lifestyle, check out our Pinterest and Instagram page to learn more.

The post How to Eat Healthy as a Diabetic appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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