Monday, November 12, 2018

7-Day Gym-Free Workout Plan

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to belong to a gym to get a great workout in. There are several amazing reasons to workout at home, the most obvious being that you can save tons of money by not having to pay monthly membership fees. Following an at-home workout routine also provides you with a more flexible schedule. The most common excuse for skipping a workout is “not enough time”. With an at-home routine, you can workout when you have the time. This 7-day gym-free workout plan will show you how to get fit, from the comfort of your own home!

Healthy Eating Tips

It’s important for you to realize that in order to get in shape, you must eat right and perform a regular exercise routine. There are a few basic guidelines to follow to keep your diet on track.

1. Drink plenty of water; at least 64 ounces, each day.

Check out these 12 Easy Ways to Increase Your Water Intake.

2. Eat more protein. A general rule of thumb is to get 1 gram for every pound of body weight. For example, if you weight 135 lbs. you would try to get 135 grams of protein, each day.

Use this High-Protein Shopping List the next time you head to the grocery store.

3. Eat more soluble fiber. Aim for 25 grams per day to keep yourself from feeling hungry.

 Check out these 31 High-Fiber Foods.

4. Limit sugar intake. The American Heart Association recommends that women consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day.

Related: Deciphering Food Labels – The Many Names of Sugar.

5. Eat more whole foods. Carbohydrates are not the enemy, but you should make sure your carbs are coming from whole grains. They are more nutritious and generally much less calorie-dense than processed foods.

Check out the whole grains on this Whole Foods Shopping List.


7-Day Gym-Free Workout Plan

What you need: a yoga mat or towel / an interval timer

What to do: Perform the designated workouts for each day. You can choose to complete them both at one time, or you can perform one in the morning and one at night. Day 4 is your rest day, where you are asked to take it easy and stretch out with a yoga routine. You can choose to move your rest day around to better suit your schedule.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Rest Day – 10-Minute Beginners Yoga Workout for Balance

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:


This 7-day gym-free workout plan will prove that it is possible to get in shape without ever stepping foot inside a gym. Your body is truly the only piece of equipment that you need! Maintaining a healthy diet and consistent workout routine will keep you on the path to success.

Try this week long program out and let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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The post 7-Day Gym-Free Workout Plan appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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